Class PaymentIntentCreateParams.PaymentMethodOptions.Card

    • Method Detail

      • getCvcToken

        public java.lang.String getCvcToken()
        A single-use cvc_update Token that represents a card CVC value. When provided, the CVC value will be verified during the card payment attempt. This parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
      • getExtraParams

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getExtraParams()
        Map of extra parameters for custom features not available in this client library. The content in this map is not serialized under this field's @SerializedName value. Instead, each key/value pair is serialized as if the key is a root-level field (serialized) name in this param object. Effectively, this map is flattened to its parent instance.
      • getMoto

        public java.lang.Boolean getMoto()
        When specified, this parameter indicates that a transaction will be marked as MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) and thus out of scope for SCA. This parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
      • getRequestThreeDSecure

        public PaymentIntentCreateParams.PaymentMethodOptions.Card.RequestThreeDSecure getRequestThreeDSecure()
        We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and other requirements. However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: automatic or any. If not provided, defaults to automatic. Read our guide on manually requesting 3D Secure for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.