Class Source.CodeVerificationFlow

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)  
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
      java.lang.Long getAttemptsRemaining()
      The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code.
      java.lang.String getStatus()
      The status of the code verification, either pending (awaiting verification, attempts_remaining should be greater than 0), succeeded (successful verification) or failed (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as attempts_remaining should be 0).
      int hashCode()  
      void setAttemptsRemaining​(java.lang.Long attemptsRemaining)
      The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code.
      void setStatus​(java.lang.String status)
      The status of the code verification, either pending (awaiting verification, attempts_remaining should be greater than 0), succeeded (successful verification) or failed (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as attempts_remaining should be 0).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • CodeVerificationFlow

        public CodeVerificationFlow()
    • Method Detail

      • getAttemptsRemaining

        public java.lang.Long getAttemptsRemaining()
        The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code.
      • getStatus

        public java.lang.String getStatus()
        The status of the code verification, either pending (awaiting verification, attempts_remaining should be greater than 0), succeeded (successful verification) or failed (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as attempts_remaining should be 0).
      • setAttemptsRemaining

        public void setAttemptsRemaining​(java.lang.Long attemptsRemaining)
        The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(java.lang.String status)
        The status of the code verification, either pending (awaiting verification, attempts_remaining should be greater than 0), succeeded (successful verification) or failed (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as attempts_remaining should be 0).
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object