Class Source.Receiver

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Source.Receiver extends StripeObject
  • Constructor Details

    • Receiver

      public Receiver()
  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      public String getAddress()
      The address of the receiver source. This is the value that should be communicated to the customer to send their funds to.
    • getAmountCharged

      public Long getAmountCharged()
      The total amount that was moved to your balance. This is almost always equal to the amount charged. In rare cases when customers deposit excess funds and we are unable to refund those, those funds get moved to your balance and show up in amount_charged as well. The amount charged is expressed in the source's currency.
    • getAmountReceived

      public Long getAmountReceived()
      The total amount received by the receiver source. amount_received = amount_returned + amount_charged should be true for consumed sources unless customers deposit excess funds. The amount received is expressed in the source's currency.
    • getAmountReturned

      public Long getAmountReturned()
      The total amount that was returned to the customer. The amount returned is expressed in the source's currency.
    • getRefundAttributesMethod

      public String getRefundAttributesMethod()
      Type of refund attribute method, one of email, manual, or none.
    • getRefundAttributesStatus

      public String getRefundAttributesStatus()
      Type of refund attribute status, one of missing, requested, or available.
    • setAddress

      public void setAddress(String address)
      The address of the receiver source. This is the value that should be communicated to the customer to send their funds to.
    • setAmountCharged

      public void setAmountCharged(Long amountCharged)
      The total amount that was moved to your balance. This is almost always equal to the amount charged. In rare cases when customers deposit excess funds and we are unable to refund those, those funds get moved to your balance and show up in amount_charged as well. The amount charged is expressed in the source's currency.
    • setAmountReceived

      public void setAmountReceived(Long amountReceived)
      The total amount received by the receiver source. amount_received = amount_returned + amount_charged should be true for consumed sources unless customers deposit excess funds. The amount received is expressed in the source's currency.
    • setAmountReturned

      public void setAmountReturned(Long amountReturned)
      The total amount that was returned to the customer. The amount returned is expressed in the source's currency.
    • setRefundAttributesMethod

      public void setRefundAttributesMethod(String refundAttributesMethod)
      Type of refund attribute method, one of email, manual, or none.
    • setRefundAttributesStatus

      public void setRefundAttributesStatus(String refundAttributesStatus)
      Type of refund attribute status, one of missing, requested, or available.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object