All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for supplied ImpliedRelationshipsStrategy implementations.
The superclass for regular and encrypted workspaces.
A wrapper for a collection of animation steps.
A wrapper for automatic layout configuration.
A wrapper for the font, logo and color scheme associated with a corporate branding.
Represents a code element, such as a Java class or interface, that is part of the implementation of a component.
Used to represent the role of a code element.
Represents a "component" in the C4 model.
Represents a Component view from the C4 model, showing the components within a given container.
Configuration associated with how information in the workspace is rendered.
Represents a "container" in the C4 model.
Represents a deployment instance of a Container, which can be added to a DeploymentNode.
Represents a Container view from the C4 model, showing the containers within a given software system.
This strategy creates implied relationships between all valid combinations of the parent elements, unless any relationship already exists between them.
This strategy creates implied relationships between all valid combinations of the parent elements, unless the same relationship already exists between them.
Represents a custom element.
Represents a custom view, containing custom elements.
Represents a single (architecture) decision, as described at
Represents a link between two decisions.
The default strategy is to NOT create implied relationships.
A default implementation of a LayoutMergeStrategy that: - Sets the paper size (if not set).
This is the superclass for model elements that describe deployment nodes, infrastructure nodes, and container instances.
Represents a deployment node, which is something like:
A deployment view, used to show the mapping of container instances to deployment nodes.
Marker interface for items that can have documentation attached (i.e.
Represents the documentation within a workspace or software system - a collection of content in Markdown or AsciiDoc format, optionally with attached images.
Represents a piece of documentation content ...
A dynamic view, used to describe behaviour between static elements at runtime.
This is the superclass for all model elements.
A definition of an element style.
Represents an instance of an Element in a View.
Represents an "enterprise" (e.g.
Represents a view on top of a view, which can be used to include or exclude specific elements.
Represents a font, including a name and an optional URL for web fonts.
Represents an element that can be included in a group.
Describes a HTTP based health check.
The interface that ID generators, used when creating IDs for model elements/relationships, must implement.
Represents a base64 encoded image (png/jpg/gif).
Some utility methods for dealing with images.
Defines the interface for strategies to create implied relationships in the model, after a relationship has been created.
Represents an infrastructure node, which is something like:
Use InteractionStyles on Relationships to make the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication visible.
A pluggable strategy that can be used to copy layout information from one version of a view to another.
Represents the location of an element with regards to a specific viewpoint.
The type of symbols to use when rendering metadata.
Represents a software architecture model, into which all model elements are added.
The base class for elements and relationships.
These represent paper sizes in pixels at 300dpi.
Represents a "person" in the C4 model.
Represents an architectural perspective, that can be applied to elements and relationships.
A relationship between two elements.
This class represents an instance of a Relationship on a View.
Represents the access that a user has to a workspace.
A documentation section.
An ID generator that simply uses a sequential number when generating IDs for model elements and relationships.
Represents a "software system" in the C4 model.
Represents a deployment instance of a SoftwareSystem, which can be added to a DeploymentNode.
This is the superclass for model elements that describe the static structure of a software system, namely Person, SoftwareSystem, Container and Component.
Represents a deployment instance of a SoftwareSystem or Container, which can be added to a DeploymentNode.
The superclass for all static views (system landscape, system context, container and component views).
Represents the System Context view from the C4 model, showing how a software system fits into its environment, in terms of the users (people) and other software system dependencies.
Represents a System Landscape view that sits "above" the C4 model, showing the software systems and people in a given environment.
Provides a way for the terminology on diagrams, etc to be modified (e.g.
Utilities for dealing with URLs.
Represents a user, and the role-based access they have to a workspace.
The X, Y coordinate of a bend in a line.
The superclass for all views (static views, dynamic views and deployment views).
A set of views onto a software architecture model.
Allows the sort order of views to be customized as follows:
Represents a Structurizr workspace, which is a wrapper for a software architecture model, views and documentation.
A wrapper for configuration options related to the workspace.