Class ContainerInstance


public final class ContainerInstance
extends DeploymentElement
Represents a deployment instance of a Container, which can be added to a DeploymentNode.
  • Method Details

    • getContainer

      public Container getContainer()
    • getContainerId

      public java.lang.String getContainerId()
      Gets the ID of the container that this object represents a deployment instance of.
      the container ID, as a String
    • getInstanceId

      public int getInstanceId()
      Gets the instance ID of this container.
      the instance ID, an integer greater than zero
    • getRequiredTags

      protected java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getRequiredTags()
    • removeTag

      public boolean removeTag​(java.lang.String tag)
      Removes the given tag.
      tag - the tag to remove
      true if the tag was removed; will return false if a non-existent tag is passed, or if an attempt is made to remove required tags, which cannot be removed.
    • getCanonicalName

      public java.lang.String getCanonicalName()
      Specified by:
      getCanonicalName in class Element
    • getParent

      public Element getParent()
      Description copied from class: Element
      Gets the parent of this element.
      Specified by:
      getParent in class Element
      the parent Element, or null if this element doesn't have a parent (i.e. a Person or SoftwareSystem)
    • getName

      public java.lang.String getName()
      Description copied from class: Element
      Gets the name of this element.
      getName in class Element
      the name, as a String
    • setName

      public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
    • getHealthChecks

      @Nonnull public java.util.Set<HttpHealthCheck> getHealthChecks()
      Gets the set of health checks associated with this container instance.
      a Set of HttpHealthCheck instances
    • addHealthCheck

      @Nonnull public HttpHealthCheck addHealthCheck​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String url)
      Adds a new health check, with the default interval (60 seconds) and timeout (0 milliseconds).
      name - the name of the health check
      url - the URL of the health check
      a HttpHealthCheck instance representing the health check that has been added
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty, or the URL is not a well-formed URL
    • addHealthCheck

      @Nonnull public HttpHealthCheck addHealthCheck​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String url, int interval, long timeout)
      Adds a new health check.
      name - the name of the health check
      url - the URL of the health check
      interval - the polling interval, in seconds
      timeout - the timeout, in milliseconds
      a HttpHealthCheck instance representing the health check that has been added
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty, the URL is not a well-formed URL, or the interval/timeout is not zero/a positive integer
    • getId

      public java.lang.String getId()
      Gets the ID of this item in the model.
      the ID, as a String
    • getTags

      public java.lang.String getTags()
      Gets the comma separated list of tags.
      a comma separated list of tags, or an empty string if there are no tags
    • getTagsAsSet

      public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getTagsAsSet()
    • addTags

      public void addTags​(java.lang.String... tags)
    • hasTag

      public boolean hasTag​(java.lang.String tag)
      Determines whether this model item has the given tag.
      tag - the tag to check for
      true if tag is present as a tag on this item, or if it is one of the required tags defined by the model in getRequiredTags(), false otherwise
    • getProperties

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getProperties()
      Gets the collection of name-value property pairs associated with this element, as a Map.
      a Map (String, String) (empty if there are no properties)
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Adds a name-value pair property to this element.
      name - the name of the property
      value - the value of the property
    • getPerspectives

      public java.util.Set<Perspective> getPerspectives()
      Gets the set of perspectives associated with this model item.
      a Set of Perspective objects (empty if there are none)
    • addPerspective

      public Perspective addPerspective​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)
      Adds a perspective to this model item.
      name - the name of the perspective (e.g. "Security", must be unique)
      description - a description of the perspective
      a Perspective object
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if perspective details are not specified, or the named perspective exists already