Interface IdGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:
MessageDigestIdGenerator, NormalizedNameIdGenerator, SequentialIntegerIdGeneratorStrategy

public interface IdGenerator
The interface that ID generators, used when creating IDs for model elements, must implement.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void found​(java.lang.String id)
    Called when loading/deserializing a model, to indicate that the specified ID has been found (and shouldn't be reused when generating new IDs).
    java.lang.String generateId​(Element element)
    Generates an ID for the specified model element.
    java.lang.String generateId​(Relationship relationship)
    Generates an ID for the specified model relationship.
  • Method Details

    • generateId

      java.lang.String generateId​(Element element)
      Generates an ID for the specified model element.
      element - an Element instance
      the ID, as a String
    • generateId

      java.lang.String generateId​(Relationship relationship)
      Generates an ID for the specified model relationship.
      relationship - a Relationship instance
      the ID, as a String
    • found

      void found​(java.lang.String id)
      Called when loading/deserializing a model, to indicate that the specified ID has been found (and shouldn't be reused when generating new IDs).
      id - the ID that has been found