Class InfrastructureNode

public final class InfrastructureNode
extends DeploymentElement

Represents an infrastructure node, which is something like:

  • Load balancer
  • Firewall
  • DNS service
  • etc
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • uses

      public Relationship uses​(DeploymentElement destination, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String technology)
      Adds a relationship between this and another deployment element (deployment node, infrastructure node, or container instance).
      destination - the destination DeploymentElement
      description - a short description of the relationship
      technology - the technology
      a Relationship object
    • uses

      public Relationship uses​(DeploymentElement destination, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String technology, InteractionStyle interactionStyle)
      Adds a relationship between this and another deployment element (deployment node, infrastructure node, or container instance).
      destination - the destination DeploymentElement
      description - a short description of the relationship
      technology - the technology
      interactionStyle - the interaction style (Synchronous vs Asynchronous)
      a Relationship object
    • uses

      public Relationship uses​(DeploymentElement destination, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String technology, InteractionStyle interactionStyle, java.lang.String[] tags)
      Adds a relationship between this and another deployment element (deployment node, infrastructure node, or container instance).
      destination - the destination DeploymentElement
      description - a short description of the relationship
      technology - the technology
      interactionStyle - the interaction style (Synchronous vs Asynchronous)
      tags - an array of tags
      a Relationship object
    • getTechnology

      public java.lang.String getTechnology()
    • setTechnology

      public void setTechnology​(java.lang.String technology)
    • getRequiredTags

      protected java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getRequiredTags()
      Specified by:
      getRequiredTags in class ModelItem
    • getCanonicalName

      public java.lang.String getCanonicalName()
      Specified by:
      getCanonicalName in class ModelItem