Class CArrayInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getTypeName

        public QName getTypeName()
        Description copied from interface: NonElement
        Gets the primary XML type ANYTYPE_NAME of the class.

        A Java type can be mapped to multiple XML types, but one of them is considered "primary" and used when we generate a schema.

        Specified by:
        getTypeName in interface NonElement<NType,​NClass>
        null if the object doesn't have an explicit type ANYTYPE_NAME (AKA anonymous.)
      • isSimpleType

        public boolean isSimpleType()
        Description copied from interface: NonElement
        Returns true if this maps to text in XML, without any attribute nor child elements.
        Specified by:
        isSimpleType in interface NonElement<NType,​NClass>
      • getType

        public NType getType()
        Description copied from interface: TypeInfo
        Gets the underlying Java type that object represents.
        Specified by:
        getType in interface TypeInfo<NType,​NClass>
        always non-null.
      • isBoxedType

        public boolean isBoxedType()
        Description copied from interface: NType
        Returns true iff this type represents a class that has a unboxed form. For example, for String this is false, but for Integer this is true.
        Specified by:
        isBoxedType in interface NType
      • fullName

        public String fullName()
        Description copied from interface: NType
        Human readable name of this type.
        Specified by:
        fullName in interface NType
      • getLocator

        public Locator getLocator()
        Description copied from interface: CCustomizable
        Gets the source location in the schema from which this model component is created.
        Specified by:
        getLocator in interface CCustomizable
        never null.
      • isCollection

        public final boolean isCollection()
      • getAdapterUse

        public final CAdapter getAdapterUse()
      • idUse

        public final ID idUse()
      • getSchemaComponent

        public final XSComponent getSchemaComponent()
        Description copied from interface: CCustomizable
        If this model object is built from XML Schema, this property returns a schema component from which the model is built.
        Specified by:
        getSchemaComponent in interface CCustomizable
        null if the model is built from sources other than XML Schema (such as DTD.)
      • canBeReferencedByIDREF

        public final boolean canBeReferencedByIDREF()
        why are you calling an unimplemented method?
        Description copied from interface: TypeInfo
        True if this type is a valid target from a property annotated with XmlIDREF.
        Specified by:
        canBeReferencedByIDREF in interface TypeInfo<NType,​NClass>
      • getExpectedMimeType

        public jakarta.activation.MimeType getExpectedMimeType()
        No default MimeType.
      • getLocation

        public final Location getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: Locatable
        Gets the location object that this object points to. This operation could be inefficient and costly.
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface Locatable