Interface FastInfosetReader

  • All Superinterfaces:
    FastInfosetParser, XMLReader
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FastInfosetReader
    extends XMLReader, FastInfosetParser
    Interface for reading an Fast Infoset document using callbacks.

    FastInfosetReader is the interface that a Fast Infoset parser's SAX2 driver must implement. This interface allows an application to to register Fast Infoset specific event handlers for encoding algorithms.

    The reception of encoding algorithm events is determined by the registration of:

    • A PrimitiveTypeContentHandler, for the recieving of events, associated with built-in encoding algorithms, for decoded data that can be reported as Java primitive types.
    • A EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler, for the recieving of events, associated with built-in and application-defined encoding algorithms, for decoded data that can be reported as an array of octets or as a Java Object.
    • EncodingAlgorithm implementations, for the receiving of events, associated with application defined algorithms. for decoded data that shall be reported as a Java Object by way of the registered EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler.

    The reporting of element content events for built-in algorithms is determimed by the following:

    • If a PrimitiveContentHandler is registered then decoded data is reported as Java primitive types using the corresponding methods on the PrimitiveContentHandler interface.
    • If a PrimitiveContentHandler is not registered and a EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler is registered then decoded data is reported as Java Objects using EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler.object(String, int, Object). An Object shall correspond to the Java primitive type that would otherwise be reported using the PrimitiveContentHandler.
    • If neither is registered then then decoded data is reported as characters.

    The reporting of element content events for application-defined algorithms is determimed by the following:

    The reporting of attribute values for encoding algorithms is achieved using EncodingAlgorithmAttributes that extends Attributes. The registered ContentHandler may cast the attr paramter of the ContentHandler.startElement(String, String, String, org.xml.sax.Attributes) to the EncodingAlgorithmAttributes interface to access to encoding algorithm information.

    The reporting of attribute values for built-in algorithms is determimed by the following:

    • If a PrimitiveContentHandler or EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler is registered then decoded data is reported as Java Objects corresponding to the Java primitive types. The Java Objects may be obtained using EncodingAlgorithmAttributes.getAlgorithmData(int).
    • If neither is registered then then decoded data is reported as characters.

    The reporting of attribute values for application-defined algorithms is determimed by the following:

    • If an EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler is registered and there is no EncodingAlgorithm registered for an application-defined encoding algorithm then decoded data for such an algoroithm is reported as Java Object, that is an instance of byte[], using EncodingAlgorithmAttributes.getAlgorithmData(int); otherwise
    • If there is an EncodingAlgorithm registered for the application-defined encoding algorithm then the decoded data is reported as a Java Object, returned by decoding according to the EncodingAlgorithm, using EncodingAlgorithmAttributes.getAlgorithmData(int).
    See Also:
    PrimitiveTypeContentHandler, EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler, XMLReader, ContentHandler
    • Field Detail


        The property name to be used for getting and setting the EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        The property name to be used for getting and setting the PrimtiveTypeContentHandler.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        void parse​(InputStream s)
            throws IOException,
        Parse a fast infoset document from an InputStream.

        The application can use this method to instruct the Fast Infoset reader to begin parsing a fast infoset document from a byte stream.

        Applications may not invoke this method while a parse is in progress (they should create a new XMLReader instead for each nested XML document). Once a parse is complete, an application may reuse the same FastInfosetReader object, possibly with a different byte stream.

        During the parse, the FastInfosetReader will provide information about the fast infoset document through the registered event handlers.

        This method is synchronous: it will not return until parsing has ended. If a client application wants to terminate parsing early, it should throw an exception.

        s - The byte stream to parse from.
      • setLexicalHandler

        void setLexicalHandler​(LexicalHandler handler)
        Allow an application to register a lexical handler.

        Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

        handler - The lexical handler.
        See Also:
      • setDeclHandler

        void setDeclHandler​(DeclHandler handler)
        Allow an application to register a DTD declaration handler.

        Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

        handler - The DTD declaration handler.
        See Also:
      • setEncodingAlgorithmContentHandler

        void setEncodingAlgorithmContentHandler​(EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler handler)
        Allow an application to register an encoding algorithm handler.

        Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

        handler - The encoding algorithm handler.
        See Also:
      • setPrimitiveTypeContentHandler

        void setPrimitiveTypeContentHandler​(PrimitiveTypeContentHandler handler)
        Allow an application to register a primitive type handler.

        Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

        handler - The primitive type handler.
        See Also: