Class XMLSchemaInternalizationLogic

    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLSchemaInternalizationLogic

        public XMLSchemaInternalizationLogic()
    • Method Detail

      • createExternalReferenceFinder

        public XMLFilterImpl createExternalReferenceFinder​(DOMForest parent)
        Description copied from interface: InternalizationLogic
        Creates a new instance of XMLFilter that can be used to find references to external schemas.

        Schemas that are included/imported need to be a part of DOMForest, and this filter will be expected to find such references.

        Once such a reference is found, the filter is expected to call the parse method of DOMForest.

        DOMForest will register ErrorHandler to the returned object, so any error should be sent to that error handler.

        Specified by:
        createExternalReferenceFinder in interface InternalizationLogic
        This method returns XMLFilterImpl because the filter has to be usable for two directions (wrapping a reader and wrapping a ContentHandler)
      • checkIfValidTargetNode

        public boolean checkIfValidTargetNode​(DOMForest parent,
                                              Element bindings,
                                              Element target)
        Description copied from interface: InternalizationLogic
        Checks if the specified element is a valid target node to attach a customization.
        Specified by:
        checkIfValidTargetNode in interface InternalizationLogic
        parent - The owner DOMForest object. Probably useful only to obtain context information, such as error handler.
        bindings - <jaxb:bindings> element or a customization element.
        true if it's OK, false if not.
      • refineTarget

        public Element refineTarget​(Element target)
        Description copied from interface: InternalizationLogic
        Prepares an element that actually receives customizations.

        For example, in XML Schema, target nodes can be any schema element but it is always the <xsd:appinfo> element that receives customization.

        Specified by:
        refineTarget in interface InternalizationLogic
        target - The target node designated by the customization.
        Always return non-null valid object