Module com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj

Jakarta SOAP Implementation, an implementation of Jakarta SOAP Specification


The following properties are supported by the EE4J implementation of Jakarta SOAP, but are not currently a required part of the specification. These must be set as System properties. The names, types, defaults, and semantics of these properties may change in future releases.

Jakarta SOAP implementation System properties
Name Type Description
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.saxParserPoolSize integer The com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.saxParserPoolSize property allows to specify another value for the size of the parser pool used for SAX-parsing. The default when not specified is 5, but applications with high load and/or concurrency may benefit from setting this to a higher value. The default is 5.
mail.mime.charset String The mail.mime.charset System property can be used to specify the default MIME charset to use for encoded words and text parts that don't otherwise specify a charset. Normally, the default MIME charset is derived from the default Java charset, as specified in the file.encoding System property. Most applications will have no need to explicitly set the default MIME charset. In cases where the default MIME charset to be used for mail messages is different than the charset used for files stored on the system, this property should be set.
mail.mime.decodetext.strict boolean The mail.mime.decodetext.strict property controls decoding of MIME encoded words. The MIME spec requires that encoded words start at the beginning of a whitespace separated word. Some mailers incorrectly include encoded words in the middle of a word. If the mail.mime.decodetext.strict System property is set to "false", an attempt will be made to decode these illegal encoded words. The default is true.
mail.mime.encodeeol.strict boolean The mail.mime.encodeeol.strict property controls the choice of Content-Transfer-Encoding for MIME parts that are not of type "text". Often such parts will contain textual data for which an encoding that allows normal end of line conventions is appropriate. In rare cases, such a part will appear to contain entirely textual data, but will require an encoding that preserves CR and LF characters without change. If the mail.mime.encodeeol.strict System property is set to "true", such an encoding will be used when necessary. The default is false.
mail.mime.foldencodedwords boolean DEPRECATED If set to "true", Content-Description header field will be folded (broken into 76 character lines) during encoding and unfolded during decoding. The default is false.
mail.mime.foldtext boolean DEPRECATED If set to "true", header fields containing just text such as the Subject and Content-Description header fields, and long parameter values in structured headers such as Content-Type will be folded (broken into 76 character lines) when set and unfolded when read. The default is true.
saaj.connect.timeout integer Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used when opening a communications link to the resource referenced by SOAPConnection. If the timeout expires before the connection can be established, a SOAPException is raised. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. The default timeout value is 0.
saaj.lazy.contentlength boolean The saaj.lazy.contentlength property can be set by applications that do not care about the Content-Length property. This allows SAAJ to handle large Payloads. The default is false.
saaj.lazy.mime.optimization boolean Turning this optimization off has limited utility in the absence of MimePull especially when seen in the context of SOAPMessage.getAttachments() and SOAPMessage.getAttachments(...) APIs. However it does help a scenario where an intermediate (SOAP Handler) receives a large MimeMessage but never needs to look at the Attachments (but only needs to read/manipulate the SOAP Envelope/Body) before resending the message to an ultimate recipient. The default is true.
saaj.mime.multipart.ignoremissingendboundary boolean Normally, when parsing a multipart MIME message, a message that is missing the final end boundary line is not considered an error. The data simply ends at the end of the input. Note that messages of this form violate the MIME specification. If the property mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingendboundary is set to @{code false}, such messages are considered an error and a MesagingException will be thrown when parsing such a message. Note that this feature does not work when one enables saaj.use.mimepull. The default is false.
saaj.mime.optimization boolean The saaj.mime.optimization can be used to switch-off Boyer-Moore algorithm for efficient Mime-Boundary Parsing of a Mime Packaged Message and fallback to the old Jakarta Mail Mime-Boundary parsing implementation when set to false. The default is true.
saaj.mime.soapBodyPartSizeLimit integer The saaj.mime.soapBodyPartSizeLimit property is used to specify the max amount in bytes a SOAP body part is allowed to contain. This property can (should) be used to protect against maliciously crafted requests which can take down the server with OutOfMemoryError. The default is to not enforce any limit. integer Sets the read timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds. A non-zero value specifies the timeout when reading from Input stream when a SOAPConnection is established to a resource. If the timeout expires before there is data available for read, a SOAPException is raised. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. The default timeout value is 0.
saaj.use.mimepull boolean The saaj.use.mimepull property instruct the runtime to use the MimePull parser allowing handling of large attachments in incoming messages. The default is false.
See Also:
Jakarta SOAP Specification, Proprietary features