Interface MessageWritable

  • public interface MessageWritable
    A Message implementation may implement this interface as an alternative way to write the message into the OutputStream.
    [email protected]
    • Method Detail

      • getContentType

        ContentType getContentType()
        Gets the Content-type of this message.
        The MIME content type of this message
      • writeTo

        ContentType writeTo​(OutputStream out)
                     throws IOException
        Writes the XML infoset portion of this MessageContext (from <soap:Envelope> to </soap:Envelope>).
        out - Must not be null. The caller is responsible for closing the stream, not the callee.
        The MIME content type of this message (such as "application/xml"). This information is often ncessary by transport.
        IOException - if a OutputStream throws IOException.
      • setMTOMConfiguration

        void setMTOMConfiguration​( mtomFeature)
        Passes configuration information to this message to ensure the proper wire format is created. (from <soap:Envelope> to </soap:Envelope>).
        mtomFeature - The standard WebServicesFeature for specifying the MTOM enablement and possibly threshold for the endpoint. This value may be null.