Interface CheckedException

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CheckedException
    This class provides abstractio to the the exception class corresponding to the wsdl:fault, such as class MUST have WebFault annotation defined on it. Also the exception class must have public WrapperException()String message, FaultBean){} and method public FaultBean getFaultInfo();
    Vivek Pandey
    • Method Detail

      • getParent

        JavaMethod getParent()
        Gets the parent JavaMethod to which this checked exception belongs.
      • getExceptionClass

        Class getExceptionClass()
        The returned exception class would be userdefined or WSDL exception class.
        always non-null same object.
      • getDetailBean

        Class getDetailBean()
        The detail bean is serialized inside the detail entry in the SOAP message. This must be known to the JAXBContext inorder to get marshalled/unmarshalled.
        the detail bean
      • getBridge

        com.sun.xml.bind.api.Bridge getBridge()
        Why do you need this?
        Gives the Bridge associated with the detail
      • getExceptionType

        ExceptionType getExceptionType()
        Tells whether the exception class is a userdefined or a WSDL exception. A WSDL exception class follows the pattern defined in JSR 224. According to that a WSDL exception class must have: public WrapperException()String message, FaultBean){} and accessor method public FaultBean getFaultInfo();
      • getMessageName

        String getMessageName()
        Gives the wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault@message value - that is the wsdl:message referenced by wsdl:fault