
This document describes the architecture of server side JAX-WS 2.0.1 runtime.

JAX-WS 2.0.1 Server Runtime Sequence Diagram

Server Runtime Sequence Diagram

Message Flow

A Web Service invocation starts with either the or the Both of these classes find the appropriate and invokes the, Tie.handle method. This method first creates a com.sun.pept.ept.MessageInfo MessageInfo used to gather information about the message to be received. A RuntimeContext is then created with the MessageInfo and the RuntimeModel retrieved from the RuntimeEndpointInfo. The RuntimeContext is then stored in the MessageInfo. The com.sun.pept.ept.EPTFactory EPTFactory is retrieved from the EPTFactoryFactoryBase and also placed in the MessagInfo. A com.sun.pept.protocol.MessageDispatcher MessageDispatcher is then created and the receive method is invoked. There will be two types of MessageDispatchers for JAX-WS 2.0.1, SOAPMessageDispatcher (one for client and one for the server) and an XMLMessageDispatcher (one for the client and one for the server).

The MessageDispatcher.receive method orchestrates the receiving of a Message. The SOAPMessageDispatcher first converts the MessageInfo to a SOAPMessage. The SOAPMessageDispatcher then does mustUnderstand processing followed by an invocation of any handlers. The SOAPMessage is then converted to an InternalMessage and stored in the MessageInfo. The converting of the SOAPMessage to an InternalMessage is done using the decoder retrieved from the EPTFactory that is contained in the MessageInfo. Once the SOAPMessage has been converted to an InternalMessage the endpoint implementation is invoked via reflection from the Method stored in the MessageInfo. The return value of the method call is then stored in the InternalMessage. An internalMessage is then created from the MessageInfo. The SOAPEncoder is retrieved from the EPTFactory stored in the MessageInfo. The SOAPEncoder.toSOAPMessage is then invoked to create a SOAPMessage from the InternalMessage. A WSConnection is then retrieved from the MessageInfo and the SOAPMessage is returned over that WSConnection.

External Interactions


  • JAX-WS creates SAAJ javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage from the HttpServletRequest. At present, JAX-WS reads all the bytes from the request stream and then creates SOAPMessage along with the HTTP headers.

javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory(binding).createMessage(MimeHeaders, InputStream)

  • SOAPMessage parses the content from the stream including MIME data


    SOAPMessage.getSOAPHeader() is used for mustUnderstand processing of headers. It further uses javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader.examineMustUnderstandHeaderElements(role)

    SOAPMessage.getSOAPBody().getFistChild() is used for guessing the MEP of the request


    SOAPMessage.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope() and some other SAAJ calls are made to create a fault in the SOAPMessage

  • interacts with SAAJ to get body from SOAPMessage

  •, SOAPMessage). There is a scenario where there is SOAPMessage and a logical handler sets payload as Source. To write to the stream, SOAPMessage.writeTo() is used but before that the body needs to be updated with logical handler' Source. Need to verify if this scenario is still happening since Handler.close() is changed to take MessageContext.

  • uses SAAJ API to get headers.

  • SOAPMessage.writeTo() is used to write response. At present, it writes into byte[] and this byte[] is written to HttpServletResponse.


JAX-WS RI uses the JAXB API to marshall/unmarshall user created JAXB objects with user created JAXBContext. Handler, Dispatch in JAX-WS API provide ways for the user to specify his/her own JAXBContext. class uses all these methods.

  • Marshaller.marshal(Object,XMLStreamWriter)

  • Marshaller.marshal(Object, DomResult)

  • Object Unmarshaller.unmarshal(XMLStreamReader)

  • Object Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Source)

The following two JAXB classes are implemented by JAX-WS to enable/implement MTOM and XOP
  • AttachmentMarshaller

  • AttachmentUnmarshaller

JAXB Runtime-API (private contract)

JAX-WS RI uses these private API for serialization/deserialization purposes. This private API is used to serialize/deserialize method parameters at the time of JAXBTypeSerializer class uses all these methods.

  • Bridge.marshal(BridgeContext, Object, XMLStreamWriter)

  • Bridge.marshal(BridgeContext, Object, Node)

  • Object Bridge.unmarshal(BridgeContext, XMLStreamReader)