Interface ManagedEndpointFactory

public interface ManagedEndpointFactory
Interface to create a new WSEndpoint wrapper. This is intended to be implemented by the configuration management to return a ManagedEndpoint that wraps the original WSEndpoint instance.
Fabian Ritzmann
  • Method Details

    • createEndpoint

      <T> WSEndpoint<T> createEndpoint(WSEndpoint<T> endpoint, EndpointCreationAttributes attributes)
      This method may return a WSEndpoint implementation that wraps the original WSEndpoint instance. This allows to interject e.g. management code. If management has not been enabled for this endpoint, it will return the original WSEndpoint instance.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The endpoint implementation type.
      endpoint - The endpoint instance.
      attributes - The parameters with which the original endpoint instance was created.
      A WSEndpoint that wraps the original WSEndpoint instance or the original WSEndpoint instance.