Class HaInfo


public class HaInfo extends Object
This class has HA information

This would help a loadbalancer to put the request(in case of a fail-over) on a replica instance that has all the related data. Even if there is no loadbalancer, a backing store could locate the information by directly going to the correct replica instance. This would also help any part of the runtime to know about failover case(and in-turn may invalidate local caches).

To achieve this functionality, it carries two pieces of information:

  1. key - Related BackingStore keys can use this info for their HashableKey impl. First store creates this object, and subsequent related stores use the same key.
  2. replicaInstance - where the related info is replicated

This can be accessed from Packet using Packet.HA_INFO property by the runtime. This object is created typically

  • When a store happens for the first time
  • A subsequent inbound transport creates from cookies
  • A fail-over request stores the data to a different replica
JAX-WS RI 2.2.2
Jitendra Kotamraju
  • Constructor Details

    • HaInfo

      public HaInfo(String key, String replicaInstance, boolean failOver)
  • Method Details

    • getReplicaInstance

      public String getReplicaInstance()
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
    • isFailOver

      public boolean isFailOver()