Interface Attachment

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteArrayAttachment, DataHandlerAttachment, JAXBAttachment, SAAJMessage.SAAJAttachment, StreamAttachment

public interface Attachment
  • Method Details

    • getContentId

      @NotNull String getContentId()
      Content ID of the attachment. Uniquely identifies an attachment. (which is referred by the ws-i attachment profile content-id = url-addr-spec url-addr-spec = addr-spec ; URL encoding of RFC 822 addr-spec cid-url = "cid" ":" content-id A "cid" URL is converted to the corresponding Content-ID message header [MIME] by removing the "cid:" prefix, converting the % encoded character to their equivalent US-ASCII characters, and enclosing the remaining parts with an angle bracket pair, "<" and ">". For example, "cid:foo4%[email protected]" corresponds to Content-ID: <foo4%[email protected]>
      The content ID like "[email protected]", without surrounding '<' and '>' used as the transfer syntax.
    • getContentType

      String getContentType()
      Gets the MIME content-type of this attachment.
    • asByteArray

      byte[] asByteArray()
      Gets the attachment as an exact-length byte array.
    • asDataHandler

      jakarta.activation.DataHandler asDataHandler()
      Gets the attachment as a DataHandler.
    • asSource

      Source asSource()
      Gets the attachment as a Source. Note that there's no guarantee that the attachment is actually an XML.
    • asInputStream

      InputStream asInputStream()
      Obtains this attachment as an InputStream.
    • writeTo

      void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Writes the contents of the attachment into the given stream.
    • writeTo

      void writeTo(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage saaj) throws jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException
      Writes this attachment to the given SOAPMessage.