Class Headers


public abstract class Headers extends Object
Factory methods for various Header implementations.

This class provides various methods to create different flavors of Header classes that store data in different formats.

This is a part of the JAX-WS RI internal API so that Pipe implementations can reuse the implementations done inside the JAX-WS without having a strong dependency to the actual class.

If you find some of the useful convenience methods missing from this class, please talk to us.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static Header create(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext context, Object o)
      Creates a Header backed a by a JAXB bean.
    • create

      public static Header create(BindingContext context, Object o)
    • create

      public static Header create(XMLBridge bridge, Object jaxbObject)
    • create

      public static Header create(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement header)
      Creates a new Header backed by a SAAJ object.
    • create

      public static Header create(Element node)
      Creates a new Header backed by an Element.
    • create

      public static Header create(SOAPVersion soapVersion, XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException
      Creates a new Header that reads from XMLStreamReader.

      Note that the header implementation will read the entire data into memory anyway, so this might not be as efficient as you might hope.

    • create

      public static Header create(QName name, String value)
      Creates a new Header that that has a single text value in it (IOW, of the form <foo>text</foo>.)
      name - QName of the header element
      value - text value of the header
    • createMustUnderstand

      public static Header createMustUnderstand(@NotNull SOAPVersion soapVersion, @NotNull QName name, @NotNull String value)
      Creates a new Header that that has a single text value in it (IOW, of the form <foo>text</foo>.)
      name - QName of the header element
      value - text value of the header