Interface MessageHeaders

All Known Implementing Classes:
HeaderList, SAAJMessageHeaders

public interface MessageHeaders
Interface representing all the headers of a Message
  • Method Details

    • understood

      void understood(Header header)
    • understood

      void understood(QName name)
    • understood

      void understood(String nsUri, String localName)
    • get

      Header get(String nsUri, String localName, boolean markAsUnderstood)
    • get

      Header get(QName name, boolean markAsUnderstood)
    • getHeaders

      Iterator<Header> getHeaders(String nsUri, String localName, boolean markAsUnderstood)
    • getHeaders

      Iterator<Header> getHeaders(String nsUri, boolean markAsUnderstood)
      Get all headers in specified namespace
    • getHeaders

      Iterator<Header> getHeaders(QName headerName, boolean markAsUnderstood)
    • getHeaders

      Iterator<Header> getHeaders()
    • hasHeaders

      boolean hasHeaders()
    • add

      boolean add(Header header)
    • remove

      Header remove(QName name)
    • remove

      Header remove(String nsUri, String localName)
    • replace

      void replace(Header old, Header header)
    • addOrReplace

      boolean addOrReplace(Header header)
      Replaces an existing Header or adds a new Header.

      Order doesn't matter in headers, so this method does not make any guarantee as to where the new header is inserted.

      always true. Don't use the return value.
    • getUnderstoodHeaders

      Set<QName> getUnderstoodHeaders()
      Return a Set of QNames of headers that have been explicitly marked as understood. If none have been marked, this method could return null
    • getNotUnderstoodHeaders

      Set<QName> getNotUnderstoodHeaders(Set<String> roles, Set<QName> knownHeaders, WSBinding binding)
      Returns a Set of QNames of headers that satisfy ALL the following conditions: (a) Have mustUnderstand = true (b) have NOT been explicitly marked as understood (c) If roles argument is non-null, the header has isIgnorable = false for the roles argument and SOAP version (d) If non-null binding is passed in, are NOT understood by the binding (e) If (d) is met, the header is NOT in the knownHeaders list passed in
    • isUnderstood

      boolean isUnderstood(Header header)
      True if the header has been explicitly marked understood, false otherwise
    • isUnderstood

      boolean isUnderstood(QName header)
      True if the header has been explicitly marked understood, false otherwise
    • isUnderstood

      boolean isUnderstood(String nsUri, String header)
      True if the header has been explicitly marked understood, false otherwise
    • asList

      List<Header> asList()
      Returns Header instances in a List.
      List containing Header instances