Interface JavaMethod

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JavaMethod
Abstracts the annotated Method of a SEI.
Vivek Pandey
  • Method Details

    • getOwner

      SEIModel getOwner()
      Gets the root SEIModel that owns this model.
    • getMethod

      @NotNull Method getMethod()
      On the server side, it uses this for invocation of the web service

      @WebService(endpointInterface="I") class A { } In this case, it retuns A's method

      @WebService(endpointInterface="I") class A implements I { } In this case, it returns A's method

      @WebService class A { } In this case, it returns A's method

      Returns the java Method
    • getSEIMethod

      @NotNull Method getSEIMethod()
      This should be used if you want to access annotations on WebMethod Returns the SEI method if there is one.

      @WebService(endpointInterface="I") class A { } In this case, it retuns I's method

      @WebService(endpointInterface="I") class A implements I { } In this case, it returns I's method

      @WebService class A { } In this case, it returns A's method

      Returns the java Method
    • getMEP

      MEP getMEP()
      Returns the MEP.
    • getBinding

      SOAPBinding getBinding()
      Binding object - a SOAPBinding isntance.
      the Binding object
    • getOperationName

      @NotNull String getOperationName()
      Gives the wsdl:operation@name value
    • getRequestMessageName

      @NotNull String getRequestMessageName()
      Gives the request wsdl:message@name value
    • getResponseMessageName

      @Nullable String getResponseMessageName()
      Gives the response wsdl:messageName value
      null if its a oneway operation that is getMEP().isOneWay()==true.
      See Also:
    • getRequestPayloadName

      @Nullable QName getRequestPayloadName()
      Gives soap:Body's first child's name for request message.
      null if this operation doesn't have any request parameter bound to the body.
    • getResponsePayloadName

      @Nullable QName getResponsePayloadName()
      Gives soap:Body's first child's name for response message.
      null if this operation doesn't have any response parameter bound to the body.
    • getCheckedExceptions

      Collection<? extends CheckedException> getCheckedExceptions()
      Gives the checked Exception thrown from this method.
      Returns the CheckedException.