Interface WSDLOperation

All Superinterfaces:
WSDLExtensible, WSDLObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WSDLOperation extends WSDLObject, WSDLExtensible
Provides abstraction of wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation.
Vivek Pandey
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @NotNull QName getName()
      Gets the name of the wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation@name attribute value as local name and wsdl:definitions@targetNamespace as the namespace uri.
    • getInput

      @NotNull WSDLInput getInput()
      Gets the wsdl:input of this operation
    • getOutput

      @Nullable WSDLOutput getOutput()
      Gets the wsdl:output of this operation.
      null if this is an one-way operation.
    • isOneWay

      boolean isOneWay()
      Returns true if this operation is an one-way operation.
    • getFaults

      Iterable<? extends WSDLFault> getFaults()
      Gets the WSDLFault corresponding to wsdl:fault of this operation.
    • getFault

      @Nullable WSDLFault getFault(QName faultDetailName)
      Gives WSDLFault for the given soap fault detail value.
       Given a wsdl fault:
       <wsdl:message nae="faultMessage">
        <wsdl:part name="fault" element="ns:myException/>
        <wsdl:operation ...>
            <wsdl:fault name="aFault" message="faultMessage"/>
       For example given a soap 11 soap message:
       QName faultQName = new QName(ns, "myException");
       WSDLFault wsdlFault  = getFault(faultQName);
       The above call will return a WSDLFault that abstracts wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault.
      faultDetailName - tag name of the element inside soaenv:Fault/detail/, must be non-null.
      returns null if a wsdl fault corresponding to the detail entry name not found.
    • getPortTypeName

      @NotNull QName getPortTypeName()
      Gives the enclosing wsdl:portType@name attribute value.
    • getParameterOrder

      String getParameterOrder()
      Returns parameter order
      Parameter order