Interface ClientTubelineAssemblyContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ClientTubelineAssemblyContext extends TubelineAssemblyContext
Marek Potociar
  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      @NotNull EndpointAddress getAddress()
      The endpoint address. Always non-null. This parameter is taken separately from WSDLPort (even though there's WSDLPort.getAddress()) because sometimes WSDL is not available.
    • getBinding

      @NotNull WSBinding getBinding()
      The binding of the new pipeline to be created.
    • getCodec

      @NotNull Codec getCodec()
      Gets the Codec that is set by setCodec( or the default codec based on the binding.
      codec to be used for web service requests
    • getContainer

      Container getContainer()
      Returns the Container in which the client is running
      Container in which client is running
    • getPolicyMap

      PolicyMap getPolicyMap()
    • getPortInfo

      WSPortInfo getPortInfo()
    • getSEIModel

      @Nullable SEIModel getSEIModel()
      The created pipeline will use seiModel to get java concepts for the endpoint
      Null if the service doesn't have SEI model e.g. Dispatch, and otherwise non-null.
    • getService

      @NotNull WSService getService()
      The pipeline is created for this WSService. Always non-null. (To be precise, the newly created pipeline is owned by a proxy or a dispatch created from this WSService.)
    • getWrappedContext

      ClientTubeAssemblerContext getWrappedContext()
    • getWsdlPort

      WSDLPort getWsdlPort()
      The created pipeline will be used to serve this port. Null if the service isn't associated with any port definition in WSDL, and otherwise non-null.
      Replaces ClientTubeAssemblerContext.getWsdlModel()
    • isPolicyAvailable

      boolean isPolicyAvailable()
    • setCodec

      void setCodec(@NotNull Codec codec)
      Interception point to change Codec during Tubeline assembly. The new codec will be used by jax-ws client runtime for encoding/decoding web service request/response messages. The new codec should be used by the transport tubes.

      the codec should correctly implement Codec.copy() since it is used while serving requests concurrently.
      codec - codec to be used for web service requests