Interface ServerTubelineAssemblyContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServerTubelineAssemblyContext extends TubelineAssemblyContext
Marek Potociar
  • Method Details

    • getCodec

      @NotNull Codec getCodec()
      Gets the Codec that is set by setCodec( or the default codec based on the binding. The codec is a full codec that is responsible for encoding/decoding entire protocol message(for e.g: it is responsible to encode/decode entire MIME messages in SOAP binding)
      codec to be used for web service requests
      See Also:
    • getEndpoint

      @NotNull WSEndpoint getEndpoint()
      The created pipeline is used to serve this WSEndpoint. Specifically, its WSBinding should be of interest to many Pipes.
      Always non-null.
    • getPolicyMap

      PolicyMap getPolicyMap()
    • getSEIModel

      @Nullable SEIModel getSEIModel()
      The created pipeline will use seiModel to get java concepts for the endpoint
      Null if the service doesn't have SEI model e.g. Provider endpoints, and otherwise non-null.
    • getTerminalTube

      @NotNull Tube getTerminalTube()
      The last Pipe in the pipeline. The assembler is expected to put additional Pipes in front of it.

      (Just to give you the idea how this is used, normally the terminal pipe is the one that invokes the user application or Provider.)

      always non-null terminal pipe
    • getWrappedContext

      ServerTubeAssemblerContext getWrappedContext()
    • getWsdlPort

      @Nullable WSDLPort getWsdlPort()
      The created pipeline will be used to serve this port.
      Null if the service isn't associated with any port definition in WSDL, and otherwise non-null.
    • isPolicyAvailable

      boolean isPolicyAvailable()
    • isSynchronous

      boolean isSynchronous()
      If this server pipeline is known to be used for serving synchronous transport, then this method returns true. This can be potentially use as an optimization hint, since often synchronous versions are cheaper to execute than asycnhronous versions.
    • setCodec

      void setCodec(@NotNull Codec codec)
      Interception point to change Codec during Tubeline assembly. The new codec will be used by jax-ws server runtime for encoding/decoding web service request/response messages. WSEndpoint.createCodec() will return a copy of this new codec and will be used in the server runtime.

      The codec is a full codec that is responsible for encoding/decoding entire protocol message(for e.g: it is responsible to encode/decode entire MIME messages in SOAP binding)

      the codec should correctly implement Codec.copy() since it is used while serving requests concurrently.

      codec - codec to be used for web service requests
      See Also: