Class SOAPBindingImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SOAPBindingImpl extends BindingImpl implements
WS Development Team
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setPortKnownHeaders

      public void setPortKnownHeaders(@NotNull Set<QName> headers)
      This method should be called if the binding has SOAPSEIModel The Headers understood by the Port are set, so that they can be used for MU processing.
      headers - SOAP header names
    • understandsHeader

      public boolean understandsHeader(QName header)
      TODO A feature should be created to configure processing of MU headers.
    • setHandlerChain

      public void setHandlerChain(List<> chain)
      Sets the handlers on the binding and then sorts the handlers in to logical and protocol handlers. Creates a new HandlerConfiguration object and sets it on the BindingImpl. Also parses Headers understood by Protocol Handlers and sets the HandlerConfiguration.
      Specified by:
      setHandlerChain in interface
    • addRequiredRoles

      protected void addRequiredRoles(Set<String> roles)
    • getRoles

      public Set<String> getRoles()
      Specified by:
      getRoles in interface
    • setRoles

      public void setRoles(Set<String> roles)
      Adds the next and other roles in case this has been called by a user without them. Creates a new HandlerConfiguration object and sets it on the BindingImpl.
      Specified by:
      setRoles in interface
    • isMTOMEnabled

      public boolean isMTOMEnabled()
      Used typically by the runtime to enable/disable Mtom optimization
      Specified by:
      isMTOMEnabled in interface
    • setMTOMEnabled

      public void setMTOMEnabled(boolean b)
      Client application can override if the MTOM optimization should be enabled
      Specified by:
      setMTOMEnabled in interface
    • getSOAPFactory

      public jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPFactory getSOAPFactory()
      Specified by:
      getSOAPFactory in interface
    • getMessageFactory

      public jakarta.xml.soap.MessageFactory getMessageFactory()
      Specified by:
      getMessageFactory in interface