Annotation Type MemberSubmissionAddressing

@Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @WebServiceFeatureAnnotation(id="", bean=MemberSubmissionAddressingFeature.class) public @interface MemberSubmissionAddressing
This feature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP 1.1/HTTP or SOAP 1.2/HTTP binding. Using this feature with any other binding is NOT required.

Enabling this feature will result in the wsaw:UsingAddressing element being added to the wsdl:Binding for the endpoint and in the runtime being capable of responding to WS-Addressing headers.

The following describes the affects of this feature with respect to be enabled or disabled:

  • ENABLED: In this Mode, Addressing will be enabled. If there is not a WSDL associated with the Endpoint and a WSDL is to be generated, it MUST be generated with the wsaw:UsingAddressing element. At runtime, Addressing headers MUST be consumed by the receiver and generated by the sender even if the WSDL declares otherwise. The mustUnderstand="0" attribute MUST be used on the Addressing headers.
  • DISABLED: In this Mode, Addressing will be disabled even if an associated WSDL specifies otherwise. At runtime, Addressing headers MUST NOT be used.

The required() property can be used to specify if the required attribute on the wsaw:UsingAddressing element should be true or false. By default the wsdl:required parameter is false. See WS-Addressing for more information on WS-Addressing. See WS-Addressing - WSDL 1.0 for more information on wsaw:UsingAddressing.

JAX-WS 2.1
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    Property to determine if the incoming messsages should be checked for conformance with MemberSubmission version of WS-Addressing.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specifies if this feature is enabled or disabled.
    Property to determine the value of the wsdl:required attribute on wsaw:UsingAddressing element in the WSDL.
  • Element Details

    • enabled

      boolean enabled
      Specifies if this feature is enabled or disabled.
    • required

      boolean required
      Property to determine the value of the wsdl:required attribute on wsaw:UsingAddressing element in the WSDL.
    • validation
