Class XMLHTTPBindingCodec

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class XMLHTTPBindingCodec extends MimeCodec
XML (infoset) over HTTP binding Codec.

TODO: Support FI for multipart/related Support FI for MessageDataSource

Jitendra Kotamraju
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLHTTPBindingCodec

      public XMLHTTPBindingCodec(WSFeatureList f)
  • Method Details

    • getMimeType

      public String getMimeType()
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      Get the MIME type associated with this Codec.

      If available the MIME type will represent the media that the codec encodes and decodes. The MIME type returned will be the most general representation independent of an instance of this MIME type utilized as a MIME content-type.

      Specified by:
      getMimeType in interface Codec
      getMimeType in class MimeCodec
      null if the MIME type can't be determined by the Codec implementation. Otherwise the MIME type is returned.
    • getStaticContentType

      public ContentType getStaticContentType(Packet packet)
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      If the MIME content-type of the encoding is known statically then this method returns it.

      Transports often need to write the content type before it writes the message body, and since the encode method returns the content type after the body is written, it requires a buffering. For those Codecs that always use a constant content type, This method allows a transport to streamline the write operation.

      Specified by:
      getStaticContentType in interface Codec
      getStaticContentType in class MimeCodec
      null if the content-type can't be determined in short of encodin the packet. Otherwise content type for this Packet, such as "application/xml".
    • encode

      public ContentType encode(Packet packet, OutputStream out) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      Encodes an XML infoset portion of the Message (from <soap:Envelope> to </soap:Envelope>).

      Internally, this method is most likely invoke Message.writeTo(XMLStreamWriter) to turn the message into infoset.

      Specified by:
      encode in interface Codec
      encode in class MimeCodec
      out - Must not be null. The caller is responsible for closing the stream, not the callee.
      The MIME content type of the encoded message (such as "application/xml"). This information is often ncessary by transport.
      IOException - if a OutputStream throws IOException.
    • encode

      public ContentType encode(Packet packet, WritableByteChannel buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      The version of Codec.encode(Packet,OutputStream) that writes to NIO ByteBuffer.

      TODO: for the convenience of implementation, write an adapter that wraps WritableByteChannel to OutputStream.

    • decode

      public void decode(InputStream in, String contentType, Packet packet) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      Reads bytes from InputStream and constructs a Message.

      The design encourages lazy decoding of a Message, where a Message is returned even before the whole message is parsed, and additional parsing is done as the Message body is read along. A Codec is most likely have its own implementation of Message for this purpose.

      Specified by:
      decode in interface Codec
      decode in class MimeCodec
      in - the data to be read into a Message. The transport would have read any transport-specific header before it passes an InputStream, and InputStream is expected to be read until EOS. Never null.

      Some transports, such as SMTP, may 'encode' data into another format (such as uuencode, base64, etc.) It is the caller's responsibility to 'decode' these transport-level encoding before it passes data into Codec.

      contentType - The MIME content type (like "application/xml") of this byte stream. Thie text includes all the sub-headers of the content-type header. Therefore, in more complex case, this could be something like multipart/related; boundary="--=_outer_boundary"; type="multipart/alternative". This parameter must not be null.
      packet - The parsed Message will be set to this Packet. Codec may add additional properties to this Packet. On a successful method completion, a Packet must contain a Message.
      IOException - if InputStream throws an exception.
    • decode

      protected void decode(MimeMultipartParser mpp, Packet packet) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: MimeCodec
      Parses a Packet from a MimeMultipartParser.
      Specified by:
      decode in class MimeCodec
    • copy

      public MimeCodec copy()
      Description copied from interface: Codec
      Creates a copy of this Codec.

      Since Codec instance is not re-entrant, the caller who needs to encode two Messages simultaneously will want to have two Codec instances. That's what this method produces.

      Implentation Note

      Note that this method might be invoked by one thread while another thread is executing one of the Codec.encode(, methods. This should be OK because you'll be only copying things that are thread-safe, and creating new ones for thread-unsafe resources, but please let us know if this contract is difficult.

      Specified by:
      copy in interface Codec
      Specified by:
      copy in class MimeCodec
      always non-null valid Codec that performs the encoding work in the same way --- that is, if you copy an FI codec, you'll get another FI codec.

      Once copied, two Codecs may be invoked from two threads concurrently; therefore, they must not share any state that requires isolation (such as temporary buffer.)

      If the Codec implementation is already re-entrant and multi-thread safe to begin with, then this method may simply return this.

    • getMimeRootCodec

      protected Codec getMimeRootCodec(Packet p)
      getMimeRootCodec in class MimeCodec
    • requiresTransformationOfDataSource

      public static boolean requiresTransformationOfDataSource(boolean isFastInfoset, boolean useFastInfoset)
    • transformDataSource

      public static jakarta.activation.DataSource transformDataSource(jakarta.activation.DataSource in, boolean isFastInfoset, boolean useFastInfoset, WSFeatureList f)