Class PolicyMapMutator

Direct Known Subclasses:
EffectivePolicyModifier, PolicyMapExtender

public abstract class PolicyMapMutator extends Object
The class serves as a base for specific policy map mutator implementations. It provides common methods that allow concrete mutator implementations to connect and disconnect to/from a policy map instance.
Marek Potociar ([email protected])
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The method is used to connect the policy map mutator instance to the map it should mutate.
    Disconnects the mutator from the policy map object it is connected to.
    Can be used to retrieve the policy map currently connected to this mutator.
    This method provides connection status information of the policy map mutator instance.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • connect

      public void connect(PolicyMap map)
      The method is used to connect the policy map mutator instance to the map it should mutate.
      map - the policy map instance that will be mutable by this mutator.
      IllegalStateException - in case this mutator object is already connected to a policy map.
    • getMap

      public PolicyMap getMap()
      Can be used to retrieve the policy map currently connected to this mutator. Will return null if not connected.
      policy map currently connected to this mutator. May return null if the mutator is not connected.
      See Also:
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect()
      Disconnects the mutator from the policy map object it is connected to. Method must be called prior to connecting this mutator instance to another policy map.
      This operation is irreversible: you cannot connect the mutator to the same policy map instance once you disconnect from it. Multiple consequent calls of this method will have no effect.
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      This method provides connection status information of the policy map mutator instance.
      true if the mutator instance is connected to a policy map, otherwise returns false.