Interface PolicyMapConfigurator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressingPolicyMapConfigurator, MtomPolicyMapConfigurator

public interface PolicyMapConfigurator
The service provider implementing this interface will be discovered and called to extend created PolicyMap instance with additional policy bindings. The call is performed directly after WSIT config file is parsed.
JAX-WS 2.2
Marek Potociar, Fabian Ritzmann, [email protected]
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    update(PolicyMap policyMap, SEIModel model, WSBinding wsBinding)
    A callback method that allows to retrieve policy related information from provided parameters return a collection of new policies that are added to the map.
  • Method Details

    • update

      Collection<PolicySubject> update(PolicyMap policyMap, SEIModel model, WSBinding wsBinding) throws PolicyException
      A callback method that allows to retrieve policy related information from provided parameters return a collection of new policies that are added to the map. When new policies are returned, the caller may merge them with existing policies in the policy map.
      policyMap - This map contains the policies that were already created
      model - The WSDL model of the service
      wsBinding - The binding of the service
      A collection of policies and the subject to which they are attached. May return null or an empty collection.
      PolicyException - Throw this exception if an error occurs