Class MonitorBase

Direct Known Subclasses:
MonitorRootClient, MonitorRootService

public abstract class MonitorBase extends Object
Harold Carr
  • Constructor Details

    • MonitorBase

      protected MonitorBase()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • createManagedObjectManager

      @NotNull public org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObjectManager createManagedObjectManager(WSEndpoint endpoint)
      Endpoint monitoring is ON by default. prop | no assert | assert/no mon | assert/mon off | assert/mon on ------------------------------------------------------------------- not set | on | on | off | on false | off | off | off | off true | on | on | off | on
    • createManagedObjectManager

      @NotNull public org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObjectManager createManagedObjectManager(Stub stub)
      Client monitoring is OFF by default because there is no standard stub.close() method. Therefore people do not typically close a stub when they are done with it (even though the RI does provide a .close).
       prop    |  no assert | assert/no mon | assert/mon off | assert/mon on
       not set |    off     |      off      |     off        |     on
       false   |    off     |      off      |     off        |     off
       true    |    on      |      on       |     off        |     on