Interface DocumentLocationResolver

public interface DocumentLocationResolver
Resolves relative references among the metadata(WSDL, schema) documents.

This interface is implemented by the caller of SDDocument.writeTo(,, method so that the SDDocument can correctly produce references to other documents.

Usage Example 1

Say: http://localhost/hello?wsdl has reference to

<xsd:import namespace="urn:test:types" schemaLocation="http://localhost/hello?xsd=1"/>

Using this class, it is possible to write A.wsdl to a local filesystem with a local file schema import.

<xsd:import namespace="urn:test:types" schemaLocation="hello.xsd"/>

Jitendra Kotamraju
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getLocationFor(String namespaceURI, String systemId)
    Produces a relative reference from one document to another.
  • Method Details

    • getLocationFor

      @Nullable String getLocationFor(String namespaceURI, String systemId)
      Produces a relative reference from one document to another.
      namespaceURI - The namespace urI for the referenced document. for e.g. wsdl:import/@namespace, xsd:import/@namespace
      systemId - The location value for the referenced document. for e.g. wsdl:import/@location, xsd:import/@schemaLocation
      The reference to be put inside current to refer to referenced. This can be a relative URL as well as an absolute. If null is returned, then the document will produce a "implicit reference" (for example, <xs:import> without the @schemaLocation attribute, etc).