Interface Elemental

All Known Subinterfaces:
Defining, GloballyKnown, Identifiable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Binding, BindingFault, BindingInput, BindingOperation, BindingOutput, Definitions, Entity, ExtensionImpl, Fault, GlobalEntity, HTTPAddress, HTTPBinding, HTTPOperation, HTTPUrlEncoded, HTTPUrlReplacement, Import, Input, JAXWSBinding, Message, MessagePart, MIMEContent, MIMEMultipartRelated, MIMEPart, MIMEXml, Operation, Output, Port, PortType, Service, SOAP12Binding, SOAPAddress, SOAPBinding, SOAPBody, SOAPFault, SOAPHeader, SOAPHeaderFault, SOAPOperation, Types

public interface Elemental
Interface implemented by classes that are mappable to XML elements.
WS Development Team
  • Method Details

    • getElementName

      QName getElementName()
    • getLocator

      Locator getLocator()