All Classes and Interfaces

Used internally to obtain carrier information.
Used internally to provide a volatile storage of data that may be saved later on the device.
Swrve Huawei SDK interface.
Used internally to provide common campaign functionality between between different classes.
Used internally to intercept events raised from the SDK.
Used internally to obtain carrier information.
Used internally to define a common storage for events and other persistent data.
Exception raised when trying to access features that require a valid user id.
Used internally to provide a persistent storage of data on the device.
Main implementation of the Huawei Swrve SDK.
Button actions supported by in-app message buttons.
Use this values to specify the app store where you app will be submitted.
Main base class implementation of the Swrve SDK.
Empty implementation of the Swrve SDK.
In-app message button.
Android image view which can be interpreted as a button
Logic for displaying campaigns based on conditions and limits.
Used internally to save the state of campaigns
The status of the campaign
Use SwrveMessageListener
Configuration for the Swrve Huawei SDK.
Configuration for the Swrve SDK.
Use SwrveMessageListener
Use SwrveMessageListener
Implement this interface if you plan on using embedded campaigns This will provide an object with information Note: the methods in this interface will be invoked from the UI thread.
Use SwrveEmbeddedListener
Empty implementation of the Swrve Huawei SDK.
Reperesents the rewards given to a user after a purchase.
In-app message background image.
Android view representing a background image.
Swrve campaign containing an in-app message targeted to the current device and user id.
Implement this interface to listen to IAM actions such as impressions or button clicks.
A Window Listener for when an In App Message Activity is rendered.
Implement this interface to handle callbacks of install buttons inside your in-app messages.
In-app message inside a campaign, with different formats.
This class provides meta data associated with in-app message buttons.
This class provides meta data associated with in-app message campaigns.
Implement this interface to handle focus callbacks in in-app messages.
In-app message format with a given language, size and orientation.
In-app message page
Android view representing a Swrve message with a given format.
Exception raised when constructing an in-app message and there is no memory or other exception happened.
Used internally to provide a multi-layer primary and secondary LocalStorage
Represents a resource set up in the dashboard.
Use this resource manager to obtain the latest resources and their values.
Implement this interface to be notified of changes to the resources of your app.
Implement this interface to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResourceDiffs().
Implement this interface to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResources().
This helper class is used to run UI logic to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResourceDiffs() Note: the callback method onResourceDiffsSuccess will be called from the same UI threat than the caller Activity.
This helper class is used to run UI logic to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResources() Note: the callback method onResourcesSuccess will be called from the same UI threat than the caller Activity.
Base class for helper utility to run callbacks on the main UI thread.
This helper class is used to run UI logic to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResourcesDiff() Note: the Runnable uiWork will be called from the context of the Activity.
This helper class is used to run UI logic to handle the result of Swrve::getUserResources() Note: the Runnable uiWork will be called from the context of the Activity.