001package com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2;
004import java.util.HashMap;
005import java.util.List;
006import java.util.Map;
008import net.minidev.json.JSONAware;
009import net.minidev.json.JSONObject;
013 * The base abstract class for JSON-RPC 2.0 requests, notifications and
014 * responses. Provides common methods for parsing (from JSON string) and
015 * serialisation (to JSON string) of these three message types.
016 *
017 * <p>Example parsing and serialisation back to JSON:
018 *
019 * <pre>
020 * String jsonString = "{\"method\":\"progressNotify\",\"params\":[\"75%\"],\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\"}";
021 *
022 * JSONRPC2Message message = null;
023 *
024 * // parse
025 * try {
026 *        message = JSONRPC2Message.parse(jsonString);
027 * } catch (JSONRPC2ParseException e) {
028 *        // handle parse exception
029 * }
030 *
031 * if (message instanceof JSONRPC2Request)
032 *        System.out.println("The message is a request");
033 * else if (message instanceof JSONRPC2Notification)
034 *        System.out.println("The message is a notification");
035 * else if (message instanceof JSONRPC2Response)
036 *        System.out.println("The message is a response");
037 *
038 * // serialise back to JSON string
039 * System.out.println(message);
040 *
041 * </pre>
042 *
043 * <p id="map">The mapping between JSON and Java entities (as defined by the 
044 * underlying JSON Smart library): 
045 *
046 * <pre>
047 *     true|false  <--->  java.lang.Boolean
048 *     number      <--->  java.lang.Number
049 *     string      <--->  java.lang.String
050 *     array       <--->  java.util.List
051 *     object      <--->  java.util.Map
052 *     null        <--->  null
053 * </pre>
054 * 
055 * @author Vladimir Dzhuvinov
056 */
057public abstract class JSONRPC2Message implements JSONAware {
060        /**
061         * Map of non-standard JSON-RPC 2.0 message attributes, {@code null} if
062         * none.
063         */
064        private Map <String,Object> nonStdAttributes = null;
067        /** 
068         * Provides common parsing of JSON-RPC 2.0 requests, notifications 
069         * and responses. Use this method if you don't know which type of 
070         * JSON-RPC message the input JSON string represents.
071         *
072         * <p>Batched requests / notifications are not supported.
073         *
074         * <p>This method is thread-safe.
075         *
076         * <p>If you are certain about the message type use the dedicated 
077         * {@link JSONRPC2Request#parse}, {@link JSONRPC2Notification#parse} 
078         * or {@link JSONRPC2Response#parse} methods. They are more efficient 
079         * and provide a more detailed parse error reporting.
080         *
081         * <p>The member order of parsed JSON objects will not be preserved 
082         * (for efficiency reasons) and the JSON-RPC 2.0 version field must be 
083         * set to "2.0". To change this behaviour check the optional {@link 
084         * #parse(String,boolean,boolean)} method.
085         *
086         * @param jsonString A JSON string representing a JSON-RPC 2.0 request, 
087         *                   notification or response, UTF-8 encoded. Must not
088         *                   be {@code null}.
089         *
090         * @return An instance of {@link JSONRPC2Request}, 
091         *         {@link JSONRPC2Notification} or {@link JSONRPC2Response}.
092         *
093         * @throws JSONRPC2ParseException With detailed message if parsing 
094         *                                failed.
095         */
096        public static JSONRPC2Message parse(final String jsonString)
097                throws JSONRPC2ParseException {
099                return parse(jsonString, false, false);
100        }
103        /** 
104         * Provides common parsing of JSON-RPC 2.0 requests, notifications 
105         * and responses. Use this method if you don't know which type of 
106         * JSON-RPC message the input string represents.
107         *
108         * <p>Batched requests / notifications are not supported.
109         *
110         * <p>This method is thread-safe.
111         *
112         * <p>If you are certain about the message type use the dedicated 
113         * {@link JSONRPC2Request#parse}, {@link JSONRPC2Notification#parse} 
114         * or {@link JSONRPC2Response#parse} methods. They are more efficient 
115         * and provide a more detailed parse error reporting.
116         *
117         * @param jsonString    A JSON string representing a JSON-RPC 2.0 
118         *                      request, notification or response, UTF-8
119         *                      encoded. Must not be {@code null}.
120         * @param preserveOrder If {@code true} the member order of JSON objects
121         *                      in parameters and results must be preserved.
122         * @param ignoreVersion If {@code true} the {@code "jsonrpc":"2.0"}
123         *                      version field in the JSON-RPC 2.0 message will 
124         *                      not be checked.
125         *
126         * @return An instance of {@link JSONRPC2Request}, 
127         *         {@link JSONRPC2Notification} or {@link JSONRPC2Response}.
128         *
129         * @throws JSONRPC2ParseException With detailed message if parsing 
130         *                                failed.
131         */
132        public static JSONRPC2Message parse(final String jsonString, final boolean preserveOrder, final boolean ignoreVersion)
133                throws JSONRPC2ParseException {
135                JSONRPC2Parser parser = new JSONRPC2Parser(preserveOrder, ignoreVersion);
137                return parser.parseJSONRPC2Message(jsonString);
138        }
141        /**
142         * Appends a non-standard attribute to this JSON-RPC 2.0 message. This is 
143         * done by adding a new member (key / value pair) to the top level JSON 
144         * object representing the message.
145         *
146         * <p>You may use this method to add meta and debugging attributes, 
147         * such as the request processing time, to a JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
148         *
149         * @param name  The attribute name. Must not conflict with the existing
150         *              "method", "id", "params", "result", "error" and "jsonrpc"
151         *              attributes reserved by the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol, else 
152         *              an {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown. Must
153         *              not be {@code null} either.
154         * @param value The attribute value. Must be of type String, boolean,
155         *              number, List, Map or null, else an
156         *              {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
157         */
158        public void appendNonStdAttribute(final String name, final Object value) {
160                // Name check
161                if (name == null          ||
162                    name.equals("method") ||
163                    name.equals("id")     ||
164                    name.equals("params") ||
165                    name.equals("result") ||
166                    name.equals("error")  ||
167                    name.equals("jsonrpc")   )
169                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-standard attribute name violation");
171                // Value check
172                if ( value != null                &&
173                     ! (value instanceof Boolean) &&
174                     ! (value instanceof Number)  &&
175                     ! (value instanceof String)  &&
176                     ! (value instanceof List)    &&
177                     ! (value instanceof Map)        )
179                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal non-standard attribute value, must map to a valid JSON type");
182                if (nonStdAttributes == null)
183                        nonStdAttributes = new HashMap<String,Object>();
185                nonStdAttributes.put(name, value);
186        }
189        /**
190         * Retrieves a non-standard JSON-RPC 2.0 message attribute.
191         *
192         * @param name The name of the non-standard attribute to retrieve. Must
193         *             not be {@code null}.
194         *
195         * @return The value of the non-standard attribute (may also be 
196         *         {@code null}, {@code null} if not found.
197         */
198        public Object getNonStdAttribute(final String name) {
200                if (nonStdAttributes == null)
201                        return null;
203                return nonStdAttributes.get(name);
204        }
207        /**
208         * Retrieves the non-standard JSON-RPC 2.0 message attributes.
209         *
210         * @return The non-standard attributes as a map, {@code null} if none.
211         */
212        public Map<String,Object> getNonStdAttributes() {
214                return nonStdAttributes;
215        }
218        /** 
219         * Returns a JSON object representing this JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
220         *
221         * @return The JSON object.
222         */
223        public abstract JSONObject toJSONObject();
226        /**
227         * Returns a JSON string representation of this JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
228         *
229         * @see #toString
230         *
231         * @return The JSON object string representing this JSON-RPC 2.0 
232         *         message.
233         */
234        @Override
235        public String toJSONString() {
237                return toString();
238        }
241        /** 
242         * Serialises this JSON-RPC 2.0 message to a JSON object string.
243         *
244         * @return The JSON object string representing this JSON-RPC 2.0 
245         *         message.
246         */
247        @Override
248        public String toString() {
250                return toJSONObject().toString();
251        }