Class TableRow

  • public class TableRow
    extends Object
    Represents a Row of Data in a Table.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableRow

        public TableRow()
    • Method Detail

      • getCell

        public String getCell​(String columnName)
        Get the value of cell corresponding to a column name.
        columnName - - The column name of TableRow.
        The value of cell corresponding to a column name.
      • addCell

        public void addCell​(String columnName,
                            String value)
        Add a cell to the TableRow.
        columnName - The column name against which the cell is added.
        value - The value to be stored in the cell.
      • size

        public int size()
        Get the number of cells in TableRow.
        The number of cells in TableRow.
      • getCellValues

        public List<String> getCellValues()
        Returns a list containing the values of each cell in the table row.
        a list of the values of each cell in the table row.
      • getTableCells

        public List<TableCell> getTableCells()
        Returns a list of TableCells representing each cell in the table row.
        a list of TableCells.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object