Interface Messages.ExecutionInfoOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Messages.ExecutionInfo, Messages.ExecutionInfo.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Messages.ExecutionInfoOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasCurrentSpec

        boolean hasCurrentSpec()
        / Holds the information of the current Spec. Valid in context of Spec execution.
        .gauge.messages.SpecInfo currentSpec = 1;
      • getCurrentSpec

        Messages.SpecInfo getCurrentSpec()
        / Holds the information of the current Spec. Valid in context of Spec execution.
        .gauge.messages.SpecInfo currentSpec = 1;
      • getCurrentSpecOrBuilder

        Messages.SpecInfoOrBuilder getCurrentSpecOrBuilder()
        / Holds the information of the current Spec. Valid in context of Spec execution.
        .gauge.messages.SpecInfo currentSpec = 1;
      • hasCurrentScenario

        boolean hasCurrentScenario()
        / Holds the information of the current Scenario. Valid in context of Scenario execution.
        .gauge.messages.ScenarioInfo currentScenario = 2;
      • getCurrentScenario

        Messages.ScenarioInfo getCurrentScenario()
        / Holds the information of the current Scenario. Valid in context of Scenario execution.
        .gauge.messages.ScenarioInfo currentScenario = 2;
      • getCurrentScenarioOrBuilder

        Messages.ScenarioInfoOrBuilder getCurrentScenarioOrBuilder()
        / Holds the information of the current Scenario. Valid in context of Scenario execution.
        .gauge.messages.ScenarioInfo currentScenario = 2;
      • hasCurrentStep

        boolean hasCurrentStep()
        / Holds the information of the current Step. Valid in context of Step execution.
        .gauge.messages.StepInfo currentStep = 3;
      • getCurrentStep

        Messages.StepInfo getCurrentStep()
        / Holds the information of the current Step. Valid in context of Step execution.
        .gauge.messages.StepInfo currentStep = 3;
      • getCurrentStepOrBuilder

        Messages.StepInfoOrBuilder getCurrentStepOrBuilder()
        / Holds the information of the current Step. Valid in context of Step execution.
        .gauge.messages.StepInfo currentStep = 3;
      • getStacktrace

        String getStacktrace()
        / Stacktrace of the execution. Valid only if there is an error in execution.
        string stacktrace = 4;
      • getStacktraceBytes getStacktraceBytes()
        / Stacktrace of the execution. Valid only if there is an error in execution.
        string stacktrace = 4;
      • getProjectName

        String getProjectName()
        / Holds the project name
        string projectName = 5;
      • getProjectNameBytes getProjectNameBytes()
        / Holds the project name
        string projectName = 5;
      • getExecutionArgsList

        List<Messages.ExecutionArg> getExecutionArgsList()
        / Holds the command line arguments.
        repeated .gauge.messages.ExecutionArg ExecutionArgs = 6;
      • getExecutionArgs

        Messages.ExecutionArg getExecutionArgs​(int index)
        / Holds the command line arguments.
        repeated .gauge.messages.ExecutionArg ExecutionArgs = 6;
      • getExecutionArgsCount

        int getExecutionArgsCount()
        / Holds the command line arguments.
        repeated .gauge.messages.ExecutionArg ExecutionArgs = 6;
      • getExecutionArgsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Messages.ExecutionArgOrBuilder> getExecutionArgsOrBuilderList()
        / Holds the command line arguments.
        repeated .gauge.messages.ExecutionArg ExecutionArgs = 6;
      • getExecutionArgsOrBuilder

        Messages.ExecutionArgOrBuilder getExecutionArgsOrBuilder​(int index)
        / Holds the command line arguments.
        repeated .gauge.messages.ExecutionArg ExecutionArgs = 6;
      • getNumberOfExecutionStreams

        int getNumberOfExecutionStreams()
        / Holds the number of running execution streams.
        int32 numberOfExecutionStreams = 7;
      • getRunnerId

        int getRunnerId()
        / Holds the runner id for parallel execution.
        int32 runnerId = 8;