Interface Messages.SpecDetails.SpecDetailOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasSpec

        boolean hasSpec()
        / Holds a collection of Specs that are defined in the project.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec spec = 1;
      • getSpec

        Spec.ProtoSpec getSpec()
        / Holds a collection of Specs that are defined in the project.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec spec = 1;
      • getSpecOrBuilder

        Spec.ProtoSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder()
        / Holds a collection of Specs that are defined in the project.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec spec = 1;
      • getParseErrorsList

        List<Spec.Error> getParseErrorsList()
        / Holds a collection of parse errors present in the above spec.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error parseErrors = 2;
      • getParseErrors

        Spec.Error getParseErrors​(int index)
        / Holds a collection of parse errors present in the above spec.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error parseErrors = 2;
      • getParseErrorsCount

        int getParseErrorsCount()
        / Holds a collection of parse errors present in the above spec.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error parseErrors = 2;
      • getParseErrorsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Spec.ErrorOrBuilder> getParseErrorsOrBuilderList()
        / Holds a collection of parse errors present in the above spec.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error parseErrors = 2;
      • getParseErrorsOrBuilder

        Spec.ErrorOrBuilder getParseErrorsOrBuilder​(int index)
        / Holds a collection of parse errors present in the above spec.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error parseErrors = 2;