Interface Messages.StepNameResponseOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getFileName()
      / File name in which the step implementation exists getFileNameBytes()
      / File name in which the step implementation exists
      boolean getHasAlias()
      / Flag indicating if the given Step is an alias.
      boolean getIsExternal()
      / Flag indicating if the given Step defined in some external library and the source code can not be accessed.
      boolean getIsStepPresent()
      / Flag indicating if there is a match for the given Step Text.
      Spec.Span getSpan()
      / Range of step
      Spec.SpanOrBuilder getSpanOrBuilder()
      / Range of step
      String getStepName​(int index)
      / The Step name of the given step. getStepNameBytes​(int index)
      / The Step name of the given step.
      int getStepNameCount()
      / The Step name of the given step.
      List<String> getStepNameList()
      / The Step name of the given step.
      boolean hasSpan()
      / Range of step
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getIsStepPresent

        boolean getIsStepPresent()
        / Flag indicating if there is a match for the given Step Text.
        bool isStepPresent = 1;
      • getStepNameList

        List<String> getStepNameList()
        / The Step name of the given step.
        repeated string stepName = 2;
      • getStepNameCount

        int getStepNameCount()
        / The Step name of the given step.
        repeated string stepName = 2;
      • getStepName

        String getStepName​(int index)
        / The Step name of the given step.
        repeated string stepName = 2;
      • getStepNameBytes getStepNameBytes​(int index)
        / The Step name of the given step.
        repeated string stepName = 2;
      • getHasAlias

        boolean getHasAlias()
        / Flag indicating if the given Step is an alias.
        bool hasAlias = 3;
      • getFileName

        String getFileName()
        / File name in which the step implementation exists
        string fileName = 4;
      • getFileNameBytes getFileNameBytes()
        / File name in which the step implementation exists
        string fileName = 4;
      • hasSpan

        boolean hasSpan()
        / Range of step
        .gauge.messages.Span span = 5;
      • getSpan

        Spec.Span getSpan()
        / Range of step
        .gauge.messages.Span span = 5;
      • getSpanOrBuilder

        Spec.SpanOrBuilder getSpanOrBuilder()
        / Range of step
        .gauge.messages.Span span = 5;
      • getIsExternal

        boolean getIsExternal()
        / Flag indicating if the given Step defined in some external library and the source code can not be accessed.
        bool isExternal = 6;