Interface Spec.ProtoSpecResultOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Spec.ProtoSpecResult, Spec.ProtoSpecResult.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Spec.ProtoSpecResultOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasProtoSpec

        boolean hasProtoSpec()
        / Represents the corresponding Specification
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec protoSpec = 1;
      • getProtoSpec

        Spec.ProtoSpec getProtoSpec()
        / Represents the corresponding Specification
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec protoSpec = 1;
      • getProtoSpecOrBuilder

        Spec.ProtoSpecOrBuilder getProtoSpecOrBuilder()
        / Represents the corresponding Specification
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSpec protoSpec = 1;
      • getScenarioCount

        int getScenarioCount()
        / Holds the number of Scenarios executed
        int32 scenarioCount = 2;
      • getScenarioFailedCount

        int getScenarioFailedCount()
        / Holds the number of Scenarios failed
        int32 scenarioFailedCount = 3;
      • getFailed

        boolean getFailed()
        / Flag to indicate failure
        bool failed = 4;
      • getFailedDataTableRowsList

        List<Integer> getFailedDataTableRowsList()
        / Holds the row numbers, which caused the execution to fail.
        repeated int32 failedDataTableRows = 5;
      • getFailedDataTableRowsCount

        int getFailedDataTableRowsCount()
        / Holds the row numbers, which caused the execution to fail.
        repeated int32 failedDataTableRows = 5;
      • getFailedDataTableRows

        int getFailedDataTableRows​(int index)
        / Holds the row numbers, which caused the execution to fail.
        repeated int32 failedDataTableRows = 5;
      • getExecutionTime

        long getExecutionTime()
        / Holds the time taken for executing the spec.
        int64 executionTime = 6;
      • getSkipped

        boolean getSkipped()
        / Flag to indicate if spec is skipped
        bool skipped = 7;
      • getScenarioSkippedCount

        int getScenarioSkippedCount()
        / Holds the number of Scenarios skipped
        int32 scenarioSkippedCount = 8;
      • getSkippedDataTableRowsList

        List<Integer> getSkippedDataTableRowsList()
        / Holds the row numbers, for which the execution skipped.
        repeated int32 skippedDataTableRows = 9;
      • getSkippedDataTableRowsCount

        int getSkippedDataTableRowsCount()
        / Holds the row numbers, for which the execution skipped.
        repeated int32 skippedDataTableRows = 9;
      • getSkippedDataTableRows

        int getSkippedDataTableRows​(int index)
        / Holds the row numbers, for which the execution skipped.
        repeated int32 skippedDataTableRows = 9;
      • getErrorsList

        List<Spec.Error> getErrorsList()
        / Holds parse, validation and skipped errors.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error errors = 10;
      • getErrors

        Spec.Error getErrors​(int index)
        / Holds parse, validation and skipped errors.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error errors = 10;
      • getErrorsCount

        int getErrorsCount()
        / Holds parse, validation and skipped errors.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error errors = 10;
      • getErrorsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Spec.ErrorOrBuilder> getErrorsOrBuilderList()
        / Holds parse, validation and skipped errors.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error errors = 10;
      • getErrorsOrBuilder

        Spec.ErrorOrBuilder getErrorsOrBuilder​(int index)
        / Holds parse, validation and skipped errors.
        repeated .gauge.messages.Error errors = 10;
      • getTimestamp

        String getTimestamp()
        / Holds the timestamp of event starting.
        string timestamp = 11;
      • getTimestampBytes getTimestampBytes()
        / Holds the timestamp of event starting.
        string timestamp = 11;