Class ExecutionContext

  • public class ExecutionContext
    extends Object
    Gives the information about the current execution at runtime - spec, scenario, step that is running.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecutionContext

        public ExecutionContext()
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentSpecification

        public Specification getCurrentSpecification()
        - The Current Specification that is executing. Returns null in BeforeSuite and AfterSuite levels as no spec is executing then.
      • getCurrentScenario

        public Scenario getCurrentScenario()
        - The Current Scenario that is executing. Returns null in BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeSpec levels as no scenario is executing then.
      • getCurrentStep

        public StepDetails getCurrentStep()
        - The Current Step that is executing. Returns null in BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeSpec, AfterSpec, BeforeScenario levels as no step is executing then.
      • getAllTags

        public List<String> getAllTags()
        - All the valid tags (including scenario and spec tags) at the execution level.