Interface Messages.ExecutionStartingRequestOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasCurrentExecutionInfo

        boolean hasCurrentExecutionInfo()
        / Holds the current suite execution info.
        .gauge.messages.ExecutionInfo currentExecutionInfo = 1;
      • getCurrentExecutionInfo

        Messages.ExecutionInfo getCurrentExecutionInfo()
        / Holds the current suite execution info.
        .gauge.messages.ExecutionInfo currentExecutionInfo = 1;
      • getCurrentExecutionInfoOrBuilder

        Messages.ExecutionInfoOrBuilder getCurrentExecutionInfoOrBuilder()
        / Holds the current suite execution info.
        .gauge.messages.ExecutionInfo currentExecutionInfo = 1;
      • hasSuiteResult

        boolean hasSuiteResult()
        / Holds the suite result in execution starting.
         / Some fields will not be populated before execution.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSuiteResult suiteResult = 2;
      • getSuiteResult

        Spec.ProtoSuiteResult getSuiteResult()
        / Holds the suite result in execution starting.
         / Some fields will not be populated before execution.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSuiteResult suiteResult = 2;
      • getSuiteResultOrBuilder

        Spec.ProtoSuiteResultOrBuilder getSuiteResultOrBuilder()
        / Holds the suite result in execution starting.
         / Some fields will not be populated before execution.
        .gauge.messages.ProtoSuiteResult suiteResult = 2;
      • getStream

        int getStream()
        int32 stream = 3;