Interface Spec.ProtoExecutionResultOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Spec.ProtoExecutionResult, Spec.ProtoExecutionResult.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Spec.ProtoExecutionResultOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getFailed

        boolean getFailed()
        / Flag to indicate failure
        bool failed = 1;
      • getRecoverableError

        boolean getRecoverableError()
        / Flag to indicate if the error is recoverable from.
        bool recoverableError = 2;
      • getErrorMessage

        String getErrorMessage()
        / The actual error message.
        string errorMessage = 3;
      • getErrorMessageBytes getErrorMessageBytes()
        / The actual error message.
        string errorMessage = 3;
      • getStackTrace

        String getStackTrace()
        / Stacktrace of the error
        string stackTrace = 4;
      • getStackTraceBytes getStackTraceBytes()
        / Stacktrace of the error
        string stackTrace = 4;
      • getScreenShot

        @Deprecated getScreenShot()
        / [DEPRECATED, use failureScreenshotFile] Bytes containing screenshot taken at the time of failure.
        bytes screenShot = 5 [deprecated = true];
      • getExecutionTime

        long getExecutionTime()
        / Holds the time taken for executing this scenario.
        int64 executionTime = 6;
      • getMessageList

        List<String> getMessageList()
        / Additional information at exec time to be available on reports
        repeated string message = 7;
      • getMessageCount

        int getMessageCount()
        / Additional information at exec time to be available on reports
        repeated string message = 7;
      • getMessage

        String getMessage​(int index)
        / Additional information at exec time to be available on reports
        repeated string message = 7;
      • getMessageBytes getMessageBytes​(int index)
        / Additional information at exec time to be available on reports
        repeated string message = 7;
      • getErrorTypeValue

        int getErrorTypeValue()
        / Type of the Error. Valid values: ASSERTION, VERIFICATION. Default: ASSERTION
        .gauge.messages.ProtoExecutionResult.ErrorType errorType = 8;
      • getErrorType

        Spec.ProtoExecutionResult.ErrorType getErrorType()
        / Type of the Error. Valid values: ASSERTION, VERIFICATION. Default: ASSERTION
        .gauge.messages.ProtoExecutionResult.ErrorType errorType = 8;
      • getFailureScreenshot

        @Deprecated getFailureScreenshot()
        / [DEPRECATED, use failureScreenshotFile] Bytes containing screenshot taken at the time of failure.
        bytes failureScreenshot = 9 [deprecated = true];
      • getScreenshotsList

        List<> getScreenshotsList()
        / [DEPRECATED, use screenshotFiles] Bytes array containing screenshots at the time of it invoked
        repeated bytes screenshots = 10 [deprecated = true];
      • getScreenshotsCount

        int getScreenshotsCount()
        / [DEPRECATED, use screenshotFiles] Bytes array containing screenshots at the time of it invoked
        repeated bytes screenshots = 10 [deprecated = true];
      • getScreenshots

        @Deprecated getScreenshots​(int index)
        / [DEPRECATED, use screenshotFiles] Bytes array containing screenshots at the time of it invoked
        repeated bytes screenshots = 10 [deprecated = true];
      • getFailureScreenshotFile

        String getFailureScreenshotFile()
        / Path to the screenshot file captured at the time of failure.
        string failureScreenshotFile = 11;
      • getFailureScreenshotFileBytes getFailureScreenshotFileBytes()
        / Path to the screenshot file captured at the time of failure.
        string failureScreenshotFile = 11;
      • getScreenshotFilesList

        List<String> getScreenshotFilesList()
        / Path to the screenshot files captured using Gauge screenshsot API.
        repeated string screenshotFiles = 12;
      • getScreenshotFilesCount

        int getScreenshotFilesCount()
        / Path to the screenshot files captured using Gauge screenshsot API.
        repeated string screenshotFiles = 12;
      • getScreenshotFiles

        String getScreenshotFiles​(int index)
        / Path to the screenshot files captured using Gauge screenshsot API.
        repeated string screenshotFiles = 12;
      • getScreenshotFilesBytes getScreenshotFilesBytes​(int index)
        / Path to the screenshot files captured using Gauge screenshsot API.
        repeated string screenshotFiles = 12;