Interface Spec.ProtoTableOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Spec.ProtoTable, Spec.ProtoTable.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Spec.ProtoTableOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasHeaders

        boolean hasHeaders()
        / Contains the Headers for the table
        .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow headers = 1;
      • getHeaders

        Spec.ProtoTableRow getHeaders()
        / Contains the Headers for the table
        .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow headers = 1;
      • getHeadersOrBuilder

        Spec.ProtoTableRowOrBuilder getHeadersOrBuilder()
        / Contains the Headers for the table
        .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow headers = 1;
      • getRowsList

        List<Spec.ProtoTableRow> getRowsList()
        / Contains the Rows for the table
        repeated .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow rows = 2;
      • getRows

        Spec.ProtoTableRow getRows​(int index)
        / Contains the Rows for the table
        repeated .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow rows = 2;
      • getRowsCount

        int getRowsCount()
        / Contains the Rows for the table
        repeated .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow rows = 2;
      • getRowsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Spec.ProtoTableRowOrBuilder> getRowsOrBuilderList()
        / Contains the Rows for the table
        repeated .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow rows = 2;
      • getRowsOrBuilder

        Spec.ProtoTableRowOrBuilder getRowsOrBuilder​(int index)
        / Contains the Rows for the table
        repeated .gauge.messages.ProtoTableRow rows = 2;