Class ConditionEvents

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ConditionEvents
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Iterable<ConditionEvent>
    • Method Detail

      • setInformationAboutNumberOfViolations

        public void setInformationAboutNumberOfViolations​(java.lang.String informationAboutNumberOfViolations)
        Can be used to override the information about the number of violations. If absent the violated rule will simply report the number of violation lines as the number of violations (which is typically correct, since ArchUnit usually reports one violation per line). However in cases where violations are omitted (e.g. because a limit of reported violations is configured), this information can be supplied here to inform users there there actually were more violations than reported.
        informationAboutNumberOfViolations - The text to be shown for the number of times a rule has been violated
      • getFailureDescriptionLines

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFailureDescriptionLines()
        List of text lines describing the contained failures of these events.
      • getFailureMessages

        public FailureMessages getFailureMessages()
        Sorted failure messages describing the contained failures of these events. Also offers information about the number of violations contained in these events.
      • handleViolations

        public void handleViolations​(ViolationHandler<?> violationHandler)
        Passes violations to the supplied ViolationHandler. The passed violations will automatically be filtered by the reified type of the given ViolationHandler. That is, if a ViolationHandler<SomeClass> is passed, only violations by objects assignable to SomeClass will be reported. The term 'reified' means that the type parameter was not erased, i.e. ArchUnit can still determine the actual type parameter of the passed violation handler, otherwise the upper bound, in extreme cases Object, will be used (i.e. all violations will be passed).
        violationHandler - The violation handler that is supposed to handle all violations matching the respective type parameter
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object