Package-level declarations


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abstract class GraphQLCoroutine(val channel: Channel<OperationMessage<*>>)

Base class for child coroutines of the GraphQLWebSocketConsumer. Allows for sending messages back to the main coroutine channel for doing things like sending messages back to the WebSocket client

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open class GraphQLWebSocketAdapter(val subProtocol: GraphQLWebSocketSubProtocol, val channel: Channel<OperationMessage<*>>, val objectMapper: ObjectMapper, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO) : WebSocketAdapter, CoroutineScope

WebSocketAdapter implementation that bridges incoming WebSocket events into a coroutine Channel to be handled by a consumer, and provides access to the remote for sending messages to the client.

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Enum of websocket closure reasons from the graphql-ws protocol specification

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class GraphQLWebSocketConsumer(val graphQL: GraphQL, val graphQLConfig: GraphQLConfig, val upgradeContainerRequestContext: ContainerRequestContext, val channel: Channel<OperationMessage<*>>, val adapter: GraphQLWebSocketAdapter, val keepAliveDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default, val dataLoaderRegistryFactoryProvider: KotlinDataLoaderRegistryFactoryProvider? = null, val graphQLWebSocketAuthenticator: GraphQLWebSocketAuthenticator? = null)

Coroutine based consumer that listens for events on coming from the WebSocket managed by a GraphQLWebSocketAdapter, and implements the apollo graphql-ws protocol from

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class GraphQLWebSocketCreator(val graphQL: GraphQL, val objectMapper: ObjectMapper, val graphQLConfig: GraphQLConfig, val dataLoaderRegistryFactory: KotlinDataLoaderRegistryFactoryProvider? = null, val graphQLWebSocketAuthenticator: GraphQLWebSocketAuthenticator? = null, val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher) : WebSocketCreator

WebSocketCreator that creates a GraphQLWebSocketAdapter, a Channel that gets sent WebSocket API events, and a GraphQLWebSocketConsumer to consume that channel.

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class GraphQLWebSocketDropwizardAuthenticator @Inject constructor(@Nullable val authFilter: AuthFilter<*, *>?) : Function1<@JvmSuppressWildcards ContainerRequestContext, @JvmSuppressWildcards Principal?>

A GraphQLWebSocketAuthenticator that delegates authentication to a Dropwizard AuthFilter from the Guice injector.

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enum GraphQLWebSocketSubProtocol(val subProtocol: String, messageMapping: Map<OperationType<*>, OperationType<*>>, val onInvalidMessageCallback: (String?, String, GraphQLWebSocketAdapter) -> Unit, val onDuplicateQueryCallback: (OperationMessage<*>, GraphQLWebSocketAdapter) -> Unit, val onDuplicateInitCallback: (OperationMessage<*>, GraphQLWebSocketAdapter) -> Unit) : Enum<GraphQLWebSocketSubProtocol>

Encapsulates the different behaviors in the apollo vs/ graphql-ws protocols. Maps equivalent messages (eg "start" vs "subscribe"), and provides callbacks for different behaviors (eg end an "error" message vs/ close the connection).

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class KeepAliveCoroutine(val graphQLConfig: GraphQLConfig, val channel: Channel<OperationMessage<*>>, val message: OperationMessage<*>) : GraphQLCoroutine

Coroutine that sends a keepalive ping over the websocket every GraphQLConfig.keepAliveIntervalSeconds seconds until it gets canceled by its parent

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data class OperationMessage<T : Any>(val type: OperationType<T>?, val id: String?, val payload: T? = null)

Model for a message in the graphql websocket protocol. Supports messages for either the apollo or graphql-ws protocols

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data class OperationType<T : Any>(val type: String, val payloadType: KClass<T>)

Captures the mapping from operation type to payload type for the messages in the protocol

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class QueryCoroutine(val graphQL: GraphQL, val channel: Channel<OperationMessage<*>>, val messageId: String, val executionQuery: ExecutionInput) : GraphQLCoroutine

Coroutine that runs a GraphQL query and emits data messages to be sent back to the WebSocket client. On completion of the query will send a GQL_COMPLETE message back. On any error will send a GQL_ERROR.


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private val log: KLogger
private val log: KLogger


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fun Session.close(reason: GraphQLWebSocketCloseReason)

Extension method to close the WebSocket session using a GraphQLWebSocketCloseReason instead of code/description pairs