Package-level declarations


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abstract class CoroutineBaseLoader<K, V>(val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default) : KotlinDataLoader<K, V>

Base class for implementing a KotlinDataLoader that ensures the BatchLoaderEnvironment.context defaults to a GraphQLContext and provides access to the CoroutineScope contained in that context.

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abstract class CoroutineBatchLoader<K, V> : CoroutineBaseLoader<K, V> , BatchLoaderWithContext<K, V>

Convenience class for implementing a KotlinDataLoader that provides a BatchLoaderWithContext using suspend functions/coroutines to execute the load. Will run with a BatchLoaderEnvironment.context that is a GraphQLContext and execute with the CoroutineScope contained in that context.

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abstract class CoroutineMappedBatchLoader<K, V> : CoroutineBaseLoader<K, V> , MappedBatchLoaderWithContext<K, V>

Convenience class for implementing a KotlinDataLoader that provides a MappedBatchLoaderWithContext using suspend functions/coroutines to execute the load. Will run with a BatchLoaderEnvironment.context that is a GraphQLContext and execute with the CoroutineScope contained in that context.

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class CustomDataFetcherExceptionHandler : DataFetcherExceptionHandler

Custom Exception Handler implantation allowing control over sanitation, relevance and specificity

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annotation class GraphQLAuth(val roles: Array<String> = [])

Annotation to be used on field definitions to restrict access based on the context Principal's role. If no roles are specified, any authenticated Principal will be authorized to access the annotated field.

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class GraphQLAuthDirectiveWiring(val authorizer: Authorizer<Principal>?) : KotlinSchemaDirectiveWiring

Directive wiring that checks for auth before fetching data.

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class LeakyCauldronHooks @Inject constructor(@Nullable authorizer: Authorizer<Principal>?, manualWiring: Map<String, KotlinSchemaDirectiveWiring>) : FlowSubscriptionSchemaGeneratorHooks

Schema generator hooks implementation that defines scalars for java.time (and threeten-extras) objects and wires up the @GraphQLAuth directive.

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class MessageGraphQLError(val msg: String?) : GraphQLError

Simple GraphQLError implementation that only specified an error message

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class RequestIdInstrumentation : SimplePerformantInstrumentation

Instruments a GraphQL response's extensions with the RequestId stored in the logging MDC by the RequestIdFilter

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class SanitizedGraphQLError(path: ResultPath, exception: Throwable, sourceLocation: SourceLocation) : ExceptionWhileDataFetching

Removes exception from the error JSON serialization keeping it out of the API response and attempts to bubble up the message from the root cause of the exception


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internal val LOCAL_DATETIME_SCALAR: GraphQLScalarType
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private val log: KLogger
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internal val YEAR_MONTH_SCALAR: GraphQLScalarType
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internal val YEAR_QUARTER_SCALAR: GraphQLScalarType
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internal val YEAR_SCALAR: GraphQLScalarType