
package struct

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ListValue(values: Seq[Value] = immutable.this.Nil) extends trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with trueaccord.scalapb.Message[ListValue] with Updatable[ListValue] with Product with Serializable

    ListValue is a wrapper around a repeated field of values.

  2. sealed trait NullValue extends GeneratedEnum

  3. final case class Struct(fields: Map[String, Value] = ...) extends trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Struct] with Updatable[Struct] with Product with Serializable

    Struct represents a structured data value, consisting of fields which map to dynamically typed values.

  4. final case class Value(kind: Kind = ...) extends trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with trueaccord.scalapb.Message[Value] with Updatable[Value] with Product with Serializable

    Value represents a dynamically typed value which can be either null, a number, a string, a boolean, a recursive struct value, or a list of values.

Value Members

  1. object ListValue extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ListValue] with JavaProtoSupport[ListValue, protobuf.ListValue] with Serializable

  2. object NullValue extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[NullValue] with Serializable

  3. object Struct extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Struct] with JavaProtoSupport[Struct, protobuf.Struct] with Serializable

  4. object StructProto

  5. object Value extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Value] with JavaProtoSupport[Value, protobuf.Value] with Serializable
