

package service

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AsyncHandlerGenerator[I, O] extends AnyRef

    So we need to take a type-parameterized request object, package it into a monomorphic case class to send to the worker, and have the handler that receives that object able to pattern match out the parameterized object, all without using reflection.

  2. trait AsyncServiceClient[I, O] extends SharedClient[I, O]

  3. class BasicServiceDelegator[C <: CodecDSL] extends DSLDelegator[C]

  4. class BasicServiceHandler[C <: CodecDSL] extends ServiceServer[service.BasicServiceHandler.C.Input, service.BasicServiceHandler.C.Output] with DSLHandler[C]

  5. trait Callback[+O] extends AnyRef

    A Callback is a Monad for doing in-thread non-blocking operations.

  6. case class CallbackExec(cb: () ⇒ Unit, in: Option[FiniteDuration] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  7. trait CallbackExecution extends Actor with ActorLogging

  8. class CallbackExecutionException extends Exception

    This exception is only thrown when there's a uncaught exception in the execution block of a Callback.

  9. case class CallbackExecutor(context: ExecutionContext, executor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

    A CallbackExecutor is an actor that mixes in the [CallbackExecution] trait to complete the execution of a [Callback] that has been converted from a Future.

  10. trait ClientCodecProvider[C <: CodecDSL] extends AnyRef

  11. case class ClientConfig(address: InetSocketAddress, requestTimeout: Duration, name: MetricAddress, pendingBufferSize: Int = 100, sentBufferSize: Int = 20, failFast: Boolean = false, connectionAttempts: PollingDuration = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration used to specify a Client's parameters

  12. trait ClientLike[I, O, M[_]] extends AnyRef

    The ClientLike trait is intended to be an interface for anything that you can connect to and send messages.

  13. class ClientOverloadedException extends ServiceClientException

    Thrown when the pending buffer is full

  14. class ClientProxy extends Actor with ActorLogging with Stash

    This correctly routes messages to the right worker and handler

  15. trait Codec[Output, Input] extends AnyRef

    A Codec is a stateful object for converting requests/responses to/from DataBuffers.

  16. trait CodecDSL extends AnyRef

  17. trait CodecProvider[C <: CodecDSL] extends AnyRef

    Provide a Codec as well as some convenience functions for usage within in a Service.

  18. trait ConnectionContext[C <: CodecDSL] extends AnyRef

  19. class ConnectionLostException extends ServiceClientException

    Thrown when a request is lost in transit

  20. abstract class DSLDelegator[C <: CodecDSL] extends Delegator with ServiceContext[C]

  21. trait DSLHandler[C <: CodecDSL] extends ServiceServer[service.DSLHandler.C.Input, service.DSLHandler.C.Output] with ConnectionContext[C]

  22. class DataException extends ServiceClientException

    Thrown when there's some kind of data error

  23. sealed trait DecodedResult[+T] extends AnyRef

  24. trait DefaultHandler extends CodecDSL

  25. class DefaultTagDecorator[I, O] extends TagDecorator[I, O]

  26. class Delayer extends Actor with ActorLogging

    This little actor is needed because apparently actors that are running in a pinned dispatcher AND are sending messages to themselves (like workers) cannot use the scheduler.

  27. class DroppedReply extends Error

  28. class LoadBalancingClient[I, O] extends LocalClient[I, O] with WorkerItem

    The LoadBalancingClient will evenly distribute requests across a set of clients.

  29. class LoadBalancingClientException extends Exception

  30. trait LocalClient[I, O] extends ClientLike[I, O, Callback]

  31. case class MappedCallback[I, O](trigger: ((Try[I]) ⇒ Unit) ⇒ Unit, handler: (Try[I]) ⇒ Try[O]) extends Callback[O] with Product with Serializable

  32. trait MessageDecoder[T] extends AnyRef

  33. trait MessageEncoder[T] extends AnyRef

  34. class NotConnectedException extends ServiceClientException

    Throw when a request is attempted while not connected

  35. class PermutationGenerator[T] extends Iterator[List[T]]

    The PermutationGenerator creates permutations such that consecutive calls are guaranteed to cycle though all items as the first element.

  36. class ReceiveException extends Exception

  37. class RequestBufferFullException extends Exception

  38. class RequestTimeoutException extends ServiceClientException

    Returned when a request has been pending for too long

  39. class SendFailedException extends Exception

  40. class ServiceClient[I, O] extends Controller[O, I] with ClientConnectionHandler with ServiceClientLike[I, O] with ManualUnbindHandler

    A ServiceClient is a non-blocking, synchronous interface that handles sending atomic commands on a connection and parsing their replies

  41. class ServiceClientException extends Exception

  42. trait ServiceClientLike[I, O] extends LocalClient[I, O]

  43. class ServiceClientPool[I, O, T <: ServiceClient[I, O]] extends AnyRef

    A ClientPool is a simple container of open connections.

  44. case class ServiceConfig(name: MetricAddress, requestTimeout: Duration, requestBufferSize: Int = 100, logErrors: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration class for a Service Server Connection Handler

  45. trait ServiceContext[C <: CodecDSL] extends AnyRef

  46. abstract class ServiceServer[I, O] extends Controller[I, O]

    The ServiceServer provides an interface and basic functionality to create a server that processes requests and returns responses over a codec.

  47. trait SharedClient[I, O] extends ClientLike[I, O, Future]

  48. class StaleClientException extends Exception

    This is thrown when a Client is manually disconnected, and subsequent attempt is made to reconnect.

  49. trait TagDecorator[I, O] extends AnyRef

  50. class UnhandledRequestException extends Exception

  51. case class UnmappedCallback[I](trigger: ((Try[I]) ⇒ Unit) ⇒ Unit) extends Callback[I] with Product with Serializable

    UnmappedCallback is essentially an optimization that avoids needing to create a MappedCallback with an identity function

Value Members

  1. object AsyncServiceClient

  2. object Callback

  3. object CallbackExecutor extends Serializable

  4. object Codec

  5. object CodecDSL

  6. object DecodedResult

  7. object Service

    The Service object is an entry point into the the Service DSL which provide some convenience functions for quickly creating a Server serving responses to requests utilizing a Codec(ie: memcached, http, redis, etc).

  8. object ServiceServer

  9. object TagDecorator
