



package server

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait ConnectionVolumeState extends AnyRef


    ConnectionVolumeState indicates whether or not if the Server is operating with a normal workload, which is represented by the current ratio of used / available connections being beneath the ServerSettings.highWatermarkPercentage amount.

    ConnectionVolumeState indicates whether or not if the Server is operating with a normal workload, which is represented by the current ratio of used / available connections being beneath the ServerSettings.highWatermarkPercentage amount. Once this ratio is breached, the state will be changed to the HighWater state.

    In this state, the server will more aggressively timeout and close idle connections. Effectively what this means is that when the Server polls its connections in the Highwater state, any connection that is seen as idle for longer than ServerSettings.highWaterMaxIdleTime will be reaped. It does this in an effort to free up space.

    The Server will return back to its normal state when the connection ratio recedes past the lowWater mark.

  2. abstract class Initializer extends AnyRef


    An Initializer is used to perform any setup/coordination logic for a Server inside a Worker.

    An Initializer is used to perform any setup/coordination logic for a Server inside a Worker. Initializers are also used to provide new connections from the server with connection handlers. An initializer is created per worker, so all actions on a single Initializer are single-threaded. See Server to see how Initializer is used when starting servers.

  3. case class ServerConfig(name: MetricAddress, initializerFactory: Factory, settings: ServerSettings) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration used to specify a Server's application-level behavior

    Configuration used to specify a Server's application-level behavior

    As opposed to ServerSettings which contains just lower-level config, ServiceConfig contains higher-level settings. Ideally, abstraction layers on top of the core layer should provide an API that allows users to create a specialized server, where the delegator factory is provided by the API and the name and settings by the user.


    Name of the Server, all reported metrics are prefixed using this name


    Factory to generate colossus.core.server.Initializers for each Worker


    lower-level server configuration settings

  4. trait ServerDSL extends AnyRef

  5. case class ServerState(connectionVolumeState: ConnectionVolumeState, serverStatus: ServerStatus) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents the current state of a Server.

    Represents the current state of a Server.


    Represents if the a Server's connections are normal or in highwater


    Represents the Server's current status

  6. sealed trait ServerStatus extends AnyRef


    Represents the startup status of the server.

    Represents the startup status of the server.

    • Initializing : The server was just started and is registering with the IOSystem
    • Binding : The server is registered and in the process of binding to its port
    • Bound : The server is actively listening on the port and accepting connections
    • ShuttingDown : The server is shutting down. It is no longer accepting new connections and waiting for existing connections to close
    • Dead : The server is fully shutdown

Value Members

  1. object ConnectionVolumeState

  2. object Initializer

  3. object Server extends ServerDSL


    The entry point for starting a Server

  4. object ServerStatus

