



package service

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Async[M[_]] extends AnyRef


    A Typeclass for abstracting over callbacks and futures

  2. trait AsyncBuilder[M[_], E] extends AnyRef


    A Typeclass for building Async instances, used internally by ClientFactory.

    A Typeclass for building Async instances, used internally by ClientFactory. This is needed to get the environment into the Async.

  3. class AsyncHandlerGenerator[C <: Protocol] extends AnyRef


    So we need to take a type-parameterized request object, package it into a monomorphic case class to send to the worker, and have the handler that receives that object able to pattern match out the parameterized object, all without using reflection.

    So we need to take a type-parameterized request object, package it into a monomorphic case class to send to the worker, and have the handler that receives that object able to pattern match out the parameterized object, all without using reflection. We can do that with some nifty path-dependant types

  4. class BasicLiftedClient[C <: Protocol, M[_]] extends LiftedClient[C, M]

  5. trait BasicServiceDSL[P <: Protocol] extends AnyRef


    A one stop shop for a fully working Server DSL without any custom functionality.

    A one stop shop for a fully working Server DSL without any custom functionality. Just provide a codec and you're good to go

  6. sealed trait Callback[+O] extends AnyRef


    A Callback is a Monad for doing in-thread non-blocking operations.

    A Callback is a Monad for doing in-thread non-blocking operations. It is essentially a "function builder" that uses function composition to chain together a callback function that is eventually passed to another function.

    Normally if you have a function that requires a callback, the function looks something like:

    def doSomething(param, param, callBack: result => Unit)

    and then you'd call it like

    doSomething(arg1, arg2, result => println("got the result"))

    This is the well-known continuation pattern, and it something we'd like to avoid due to the common occurrance of deeply nested "callback hell". Instead, the Callback allows us to define out function as

    def doSomething(param1, param2): Callback[Result]

    and call it like

    val c = doSomething(arg1, arg2){ result =>
      println("got the result")

    Thus, in practice working with Callbacks is very similar to working with Futures. The big differences from a future are:

    1. Callbacks are not thread safe at all. They are entirely intended to stay inside a single worker. Otherwise just use Futures.

    2. The execute() method needs to be called once the callback has been fully built, which unlike futures requires some part of the code to know when a callback is ready to be invoked

    Using Callbacks in Services

    When building services, particularly when working with service clients, you will usually be getting Callbacks back from clients when requests are sent. *Do not call execute yourself!* on these Callbacks. They must be returned as part of request processing, and Colossus will invoke the callback itself.

    Using Callbacks elsewhere

    If you are using Callbacks in some custom situation outside of services, be aware that exceptions thrown inside a map or flatMap are properly caught and can be recovered using recover and recoverWith, however exceptions thrown in the "final" handler passed to execute are not caught. This is because the final block cannot be mapped on (since it is only passed when the callback is executed) and throwing the exception is preferrable to suppressing it.

    Any exception that is thrown in this block is however rethrown as a CallbackExecutionException. Therefore, any "trigger" function you wrap inside a callback should properly catch this exception.

  7. trait CallbackClient[P <: Protocol] extends Client[P, Callback]

  8. class CallbackExecutionException extends Exception


    This exception is only thrown when there's a uncaught exception in the execution block of a Callback.

    This exception is only thrown when there's a uncaught exception in the execution block of a Callback. For example,

    val c: Callback[Foo] = getCallback()
      case Success(foo) => throw new Exception("exception")

    will result in a CallbackExecutionException being thrown, however{_ => throw new Exception("exception")}.execute()

    will not because the exception can still be recovered

  9. case class CallbackExecutor(context: ExecutionContext, executor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable


    A CallbackExecutor represents a scheduler and execution environment for Callbacks and is required when either converting a Future to a Callback or scheduling delayed execution of a Callback.

    A CallbackExecutor represents a scheduler and execution environment for Callbacks and is required when either converting a Future to a Callback or scheduling delayed execution of a Callback. Every Worker provides an CallbackExecutor that can be imported when doing such operations.

  10. class CallbackPromise[T] extends AnyRef


    A CallbackPromise creates a callback which can be eventually filled in with a value.

    A CallbackPromise creates a callback which can be eventually filled in with a value. This works similarly to a scala Promise. CallbackPromises are not thread-safe. For thread-safety, simply use a scala Promise and use Callback.fromFuture on it's corresponding Future.

  11. trait Client[P <: Protocol, M[_]] extends Sender[P, M]

  12. case class ClientConfig(address: InetSocketAddress, requestTimeout: Duration, name: MetricAddress, pendingBufferSize: Int = 500, sentBufferSize: Int = 100, failFast: Boolean = false, connectRetry: RetryPolicy = ..., idleTimeout: Duration = Duration.Inf, maxResponseSize: DataSize = 1.MB) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration used to specify a Client's parameters

    Configuration used to specify a Client's parameters


    The address with which to connect


    The request timeout value


    The MetricAddress associated with this client


    Size of the pending buffer


    Size of the sent buffer


    When a failure is detected, immediately fail all pending requests.


    Retry policy for connections.


    How long the connection can remain idle (both sending and receiving data) before it is closed. This should be significantly higher than requestTimeout.


    max allowed response size -- larger responses are dropped

  13. abstract class ClientFactories[C <: Protocol, T[M[_]] <: Sender[C, M[_]]] extends AnyRef


    Mixed into protocols to provide simple methods for creating clients.

  14. trait ClientFactory[C <: Protocol, M[_], T <: Sender[C, M], E] extends AnyRef

  15. trait ClientLifter[C <: Protocol, T[M[_]] <: Sender[C, M[_]]] extends AnyRef


    This has to be implemented per codec in order to lift generic Sender traits to a type-specific trait

    This has to be implemented per codec in order to lift generic Sender traits to a type-specific trait

    For example this is how we go from ServiceClient[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] to HttpClient[Callback]

  16. class ClientOverloadedException extends ServiceClientException


    Thrown when the pending buffer is full

  17. sealed trait ClientState extends AnyRef

  18. class CodecClientFactory[C <: Protocol, M[_], B <: Sender[C, M], T[M[_]] <: Sender[C, M[_]], E] extends ClientFactory[C, M, T[M], E]

  19. class ConnectionLostException extends ServiceClientException


    Thrown when a request is lost in transit

  20. case class ConstantCallback[O](value: Try[O]) extends Callback[O] with Product with Serializable


    A Callback containing a constant value, usually created as the result of calling Callback.success or Callback.failure.

    A Callback containing a constant value, usually created as the result of calling Callback.success or Callback.failure. See the docs for Callback for more information.

  21. abstract class DSLService[C <: Protocol] extends ServiceServer[C] with DownstreamEventHandler[GenRequestHandler[C]]

  22. class DataException extends ServiceClientException


    Thrown when there's some kind of data error

  23. class DefaultTagDecorator[P <: Protocol] extends TagDecorator[P]

  24. class DroppedReplyException extends ServiceServerException

  25. class FatalServiceServerException extends ServiceServerException

  26. class FutureAsync extends Async[Future]

  27. trait FutureClient[C <: Protocol] extends Client[C, Future]

  28. class FutureClientFactory[P <: Protocol] extends ClientFactory[P, Future, FutureClient[P], IOSystem]

  29. abstract class GenRequestHandler[P <: Protocol] extends DownstreamEvents with HandlerTail with UpstreamEventHandler[ServiceUpstream[P]]

  30. abstract class HandlerGenerator[T] extends AnyRef

  31. case class IrrecoverableError[C](reason: Throwable) extends ProcessingFailure[C] with Product with Serializable

  32. trait LiftedClient[C <: Protocol, M[_]] extends Sender[C, M]

  33. class LoadBalancingClient[P <: Protocol] extends WorkerItem with Sender[P, Callback]


    The LoadBalancingClient will evenly distribute requests across a set of clients.

    The LoadBalancingClient will evenly distribute requests across a set of clients. If one client begins failing, the balancer will retry up to numRetries times across the other clients (with each failover hitting different clients to avoid a cascading pileup

    Note that the balancer will never try the same client twice for a request, so setting maxTries to a very large number will mean that every client will be tried once

    TODO: does this need to actually be a WorkerItem anymore?

  34. class LoadBalancingClientException extends Exception

  35. case class MappedCallback[I, O](trigger: ((Try[I]) ⇒ Unit) ⇒ Unit, handler: (Try[I]) ⇒ Try[O]) extends Callback[O] with Product with Serializable


    A Callback that has been mapped on.

    A Callback that has been mapped on. See the docs for Callback for more information

  36. class NotConnectedException extends ServiceClientException


    Throw when a request is attempted while not connected

  37. class PermutationGenerator[T] extends Iterator[List[T]]


    The PermutationGenerator creates permutations such that consecutive calls are guaranteed to cycle though all items as the first element.

    The PermutationGenerator creates permutations such that consecutive calls are guaranteed to cycle though all items as the first element.

    This currently doesn't iterate through every possible permutation, but it does evenly distribute 1st and 2nd tries...needs some more work

  38. sealed trait ProcessingFailure[C] extends AnyRef

  39. class PromiseException extends Exception

  40. trait Protocol extends AnyRef

  41. class ProxyWatchdog extends Actor

  42. class ReceiveException extends Exception

  43. case class RecoverableError[C](request: C, reason: Throwable) extends ProcessingFailure[C] with Product with Serializable

  44. class RequestBufferFullException extends ServiceServerException

  45. trait RequestFormatter[I] extends AnyRef

  46. class RequestHandlerException extends Exception

  47. class RequestTimeoutException extends ServiceClientException


    Returned when a request has been pending for too long

  48. class SendFailedException extends Exception

  49. trait Sender[C <: Protocol, M[_]] extends AnyRef


    A Sender is anything that is able to asynchronously send a request and receive a corresponding response

  50. class ServiceClient[P <: Protocol] extends ControllerDownstream[controller.Encoding.Client[P]] with HasUpstream[ControllerUpstream[controller.Encoding.Client[P]]] with Sender[P, Callback] with HandlerTail


    A ServiceClient is a non-blocking, synchronous interface that handles sending atomic commands on a connection and parsing their replies

    A ServiceClient is a non-blocking, synchronous interface that handles sending atomic commands on a connection and parsing their replies

    Notice - The client will not begin to connect until it is bound to a worker, so when using the default constructor a service client will not connect on it's own. You must either call bind on the client or use the constructor that accepts a worker

    TODO: make underlying output controller data size configurable

  51. class ServiceClientException extends Exception

  52. trait ServiceClientFactory[P <: Protocol] extends ClientFactory[P, Callback, ServiceClient[P], WorkerRef]

  53. class ServiceClientPool[T <: Sender[_, Callback]] extends AnyRef


    A ClientPool is a simple container of open connections.

    A ClientPool is a simple container of open connections. It can receive updates and will open/close connections accordingly.

    note that config will be copied for each client, replacing only the address

  54. case class ServiceConfig(requestTimeout: Duration, requestBufferSize: Int, logErrors: Boolean, requestMetrics: Boolean, maxRequestSize: DataSize) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration class for a Service Server Connection Handler

    Configuration class for a Service Server Connection Handler


    how long to wait until we timeout the request


    how many concurrent requests a single connection can be processing


    if true, any uncaught exceptions or service-level errors will be logged


    toggle request metrics


    max size allowed for requests TODO: remove name from config, this should be the same as a server's name and pulled from the ServerRef, though this requires giving the ServiceServer access to the ServerRef

  55. class ServiceConfigException extends Exception

  56. trait ServiceDSL[T, I <: ServiceInitializer[T]] extends AnyRef

  57. trait ServiceInitializer[T] extends HandlerGenerator[T]

  58. abstract class ServiceServer[P <: Protocol] extends ControllerDownstream[Server[P]] with ServiceUpstream[P] with UpstreamEventHandler[ControllerUpstream[Server[P]]]


    The ServiceServer provides an interface and basic functionality to create a server that processes requests and returns responses over a codec.

    The ServiceServer provides an interface and basic functionality to create a server that processes requests and returns responses over a codec.

    A Codec is simply the format in which the data is represented. Http, Redis protocol, Memcached protocl are all examples(and natively supported). It is entirely possible to use an additional Codec by creating a Codec to parse the desired protocol.

    Requests can be processed synchronously or asynchronously. The server will ensure that all responses are written back in the order that they are received.

  59. class ServiceServerException extends Exception

  60. trait ServiceUpstream[P <: Protocol] extends UpstreamEvents

  61. class StaleClientException extends Exception


    This is thrown when a Client is manually disconnected, and subsequent attempt is made to reconnect.

    This is thrown when a Client is manually disconnected, and subsequent attempt is made to reconnect. To simplify the internal workings of Clients, instead of trying to reset its internal state, it throws. Create a new Client to reestablish a connection.

  62. trait TagDecorator[P <: Protocol] extends AnyRef

  63. class UnbindHandler extends PipelineHandler with ManualUnbindHandler

  64. class UnhandledRequestException extends Exception

  65. case class UnmappedCallback[I](trigger: ((Try[I]) ⇒ Unit) ⇒ Unit) extends Callback[I] with Product with Serializable


    A Callback that has not been mapped.

    A Callback that has not been mapped. See the docs for Callback for more information

Value Members

  1. object AsyncBuilder

  2. object Callback

  3. object CallbackAsync extends Async[Callback]

  4. object CallbackExecutor extends Serializable

  5. object ClientConfig extends Serializable

  6. object ClientState

  7. object FutureClient

  8. object Protocol

  9. object ServiceClientFactory

  10. object ServiceConfig extends Serializable

  11. object ServiceServer

  12. object TagDecorator

