Class SimpleApnsPushNotification

    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_PERIOD_MILLIS
        The default expiration period for push notifications (one day).
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, and payload. A default expiration time is set for the notification; callers that require immediate expiration or a non-default expiration period should use a constructor that accepts an expiration time as an argument. An "immediate" delivery priority is used for the notification, and as such the payload should contain an alert, sound, or badge component. No push notification type is specified.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification
        See Also:
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, and expiration time. An "immediate" delivery priority is used for the notification, and as such the payload should contain an alert, sound, or badge component. No push notification type is specified.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        See Also:
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, and delivery priority. No push notification type is specified.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority,
                                          PushType pushType)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, and push notification type.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        pushType - the type of notification to be sent
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority,
                                          String collapseId)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, and "collapse identifier." No push notification type is specified.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered; must not be null
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent; must not be null
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification; must not be null
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
        collapseId - the "collapse identifier" for this notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same collapse identifier
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority,
                                          PushType pushType,
                                          String collapseId)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, push notification type, and "collapse identifier."
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered; must not be null
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent; must not be null
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification; must not be null
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
        collapseId - the "collapse identifier" for this notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same collapse identifier
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority,
                                          String collapseId,
                                          UUID apnsId)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, "collapse identifier," and unique push notification identifier.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered; must not be null
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent; must not be null
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification; must not be null
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
        collapseId - the "collapse identifier" for this notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same collapse identifier
        apnsId - the unique identifier for this notification; may be null, in which case the APNs server will assign a unique identifier automatically
      • SimpleApnsPushNotification

        public SimpleApnsPushNotification​(String token,
                                          String topic,
                                          String payload,
                                          Date invalidationTime,
                                          DeliveryPriority priority,
                                          PushType pushType,
                                          String collapseId,
                                          UUID apnsId)
        Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, "collapse identifier," and unique push notification identifier.
        token - the device token to which this push notification should be delivered; must not be null
        topic - the topic to which this notification should be sent; must not be null
        payload - the payload to include in this push notification; must not be null
        invalidationTime - the time at which Apple's servers should stop trying to deliver this message; if null, no delivery attempts beyond the first will be made
        priority - the priority with which this notification should be delivered to the receiving device
        pushType - the type of push notification to be delivered
        collapseId - the "collapse identifier" for this notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same collapse identifier
        apnsId - the unique identifier for this notification; may be null, in which case the APNs server will assign a unique identifier automatically
    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public String getToken()
        Returns the token of the device to which this push notification should be delivered.
        Specified by:
        getToken in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the token of the device to which this push notification should be delivered
      • getPayload

        public String getPayload()
        Returns the payload to include in this push notification.
        Specified by:
        getPayload in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the payload to include in this push notification
      • getExpiration

        public Date getExpiration()
        Returns the time at which this push notification is no longer valid and should no longer be delivered.
        Specified by:
        getExpiration in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the time at which this push notification is no longer valid and should no longer be delivered
      • getPriority

        public DeliveryPriority getPriority()
        Returns the priority with which this push notification should be delivered to the receiving device.
        Specified by:
        getPriority in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the priority with which this push notification should be delivered to the receiving device
      • getPushType

        public PushType getPushType()
        Returns the display type this push notification. Note that push notification display types are required in iOS 13 and later and watchOS 6 and later, but are ignored under earlier versions of either operating system. May be null.
        Specified by:
        getPushType in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the display type this push notification
      • getTopic

        public String getTopic()
        Returns the topic to which this push notification should be sent.
        Specified by:
        getTopic in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the topic to which this push notification should be sent
      • getCollapseId

        public String getCollapseId()
        Returns the "collapse ID" for this push notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same ID.
        Specified by:
        getCollapseId in interface ApnsPushNotification
        the "collapse ID" for this push notification
      • getApnsId

        public UUID getApnsId()
        Returns the canonical identifier for this push notification. The APNs server will include the given identifier in all responses related to this push notification. If no identifier is provided, the server will assign a unique identifier automatically.
        Specified by:
        getApnsId in interface ApnsPushNotification
        a unique identifier for this notification; may be null, in which case the APNs server will assign an identifier automatically
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object